Chapter 10.- "She can't live without me"

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Shut the door,turn the light off

If I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you, I cannot hide this

Even though I try...

The days went by fast, very fast ... the days are usually like this for two reasons.

First, when you are extremely busy with your work and daily activities.

And second ... when there is a date that you do not want to arrive.

In Millie's case, she had both motives.

On the one hand she had had too much work preparing the last details of the Mistik-Com, everything was practically finished, it did not matter that there were still some days left, Millie was like that, she always liked to leave a few extra days to cover any eventuality or problem that might arise.

And on the other hand, one of the days she feared the most had arrived, Sarah had finished taking her things and now they were face to face, ready to say goodbye ... and although it was not a final goodbye, it was still a very emotional moment .

"God I'm so ridiculous, I promised I wasn't going to cry...". Millie said fanning her face trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Oh okay sweet heart ... come here". Sarah said as she wrapped her arms around her. "If those tears mean my butt will be missed around here then I accept them!".

"Do you have all your things? ... if something is missing, I can ...".

"If Sarah needs anything else, we'll send a messenger...". Finn's voice appeared in the room, interrupting Millie. "I don't think you should bother her the first day she moves in, she made it clear that she needs her own space".

"Millie would never bother me, Finn ... and neither would you". Sarah said a little defensively, still forcing a smile.

Millie was able to feel the tension in the air, she wasn't sure what was going on but it seemed like there was a little cold war between that pair, unfortunately Millie had been so tired, distracted and emotional those days that she no longer trusted her instincts, she convinced herself that it was all in her imagination.

"I have to go, I hope everything is fine in your new life Sarah and even if you forget about us ... I guarantee that we will be perfectly fine". And so with a cool nod, Finn left the house.

"Something happens to Finn? It seems like..".

"It's just Finn, being Finn, it sure is nothing". Sarah was lying, the truth is that she and Finn had had an argument a couple of nights ago, right after he found out that she was leaving.

Finn was a mysterious, complicated being, if you could understand his way of thinking and feeling a little, you would be one of those lucky few.

He insisted on showing everyone that he was someone tough and unemotional, but inside, he was still a guy in need of love, he would never accept it but in all these years, Sarah's presence managed to comfort him in a certain way,He never said it or showed it to him, but for someone who was not used to creating an emotional connection with people, keeping his environment intact is a primary basis for maintaining his emotional stability, or in Finn's case, his little emotional stability.

Finn felt betrayed and abandoned by Sarah, that's what it all boiled down to.

He met Sarah almost at the same time as Millie, when he was only a problem guy of 18 years old, a guy disconnected from his mother and in an eternal conflict with his father, Millie was at that time his refuge, she saved him from the darkness and shared with him, her little family ... she shared Sarah with him.

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