Chapter 4.- "Ok, Fuck boy"

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In my arms I carried my ego and my pride,

I decided to let them fall to be able to hold you ...

Dracula's castle in Pennsylvania was brighter than Finn's office at the time, he had drawn all the blinds to reduce the terrible migraine that attacked him, not that he didn't deserve it ... oh yes, he deserved it, it what he did over the weekend was wrong and the argument he had with Millie this morning only made everything worse.

Now in the silence of his office, recapitulating each of the events of the last hours and above all, remembering his conversation with Sarah, guilt began to invade every cell of his body and unless he wanted to sleep in the guest room tonight, he definitely had to do something to repair the damage.

He wasn't ready yet to face the true source of the problem, but reconciling with Millie was a good place to start ... baby steps ... that's what Millie always said when there was some future situation or event that made her nervous or scared ... baby steps.

He screwed up by getting upset with her ... did he really accuse her of missing him?

When you love someone you need their company, that's normal in any human relationship ... if someone had a problem it is him, not her ... Finn knew when to give up and this time, it was not Millie's fault.

"Lizzy ... could you come to my office please?"

Lizzy's speakerphone rang, which she found very strange after Finn's first indication in the morning was that he didn't want to see or talk to anyone, well... that and 4 bottles of water.

"In a second Mr. Wolfhard.."

In a couple of seconds and after a couple of light knocks on the door Lizzy entered Finn's office, it took her a while to adjust to the dark, she almost tripped when she entered.

"Oh sure ... sorry". Finn apologized, turning on one of the office lamps but not before adjusting his dark glasses well to avoid the inconvenience of changing the lighting.

"If you need another aspirin, I'll get it right away and...."

"No ... it's not that's Lizzy." Finn interrupted her. "I want to talk to you about something else".

"Oh sure ..." She said confused as she took a seat across from him, after he gestured with his hand to point to the small chair near the desk.

"I ... I checked certain charges on the corporate credit card and I found a considerable charge at The Bella Rose restaurant, I called to corroborate and in the records of the place, your name and Gaten's appear and .. "

"Oh, my God". Lizzy cut him off terrified. "Mr. Wolfhard, I am so sorry, I did not know that this card had been used and ..."

"Oh no problem with that ... Gaten always does this kind of thing when he's mad at me". Finn said rolling his eyes. "Last time, the son of a bitch bought flights to Paris for his mother, I had to spend an hour on the phone to justify that expense with the accountant... I will say that this time, our little fight did not have a high cost".

"Oh ... so I suppose you are upset because I agreed to go out with him? ... I mean, I understand it's unethical since we work in the same place but ...".

"No ... no, it's not about that either..." Finn shook his head as he took a big sip from his water bottle. "Listen, the advantage that I don't allow anyone to intrude on my personal life, is that I don't like to intrude on other people's lives either... so you and Gaten are free to see each other as long as it doesn't affect your work, which do with your personal lives I don't really care...".

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