Chapter 2.- "Hi,Sleeping beauty"

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"Loneliness visits me at night, sometimes we stay quiet

but sometimes we talk about you ..."

The sound of the alarm clock echoed in the room ...

8:00 am.

"God, I forgot again ...".

Millie buried her face in the pillow, internally cursing herself for forgetting to turn off her cell phone alarm, she hated waking up early on Sundays, Sundays were the only day she could stay up late in bed and above all ... it was the only day she could hope to wake up with someone sleeping next to her, the only day that maybe ... if she was lucky, she would find a lot of messy curls on the pillow next to her ... after 5 years, it was all she needed to start her day in a good mood, sadly that was getting harder and harder.

She reached out her arm to silence her cell phone and immediately turned to the other side of the bed, hoping she hadn't awakened Finn.

"Sorry baby, I hope ...".

But the bed was empty ...

She was not surprised, typical of Finn ... always so obsessed with work, each time a little more, after 5 years Millie had had to accept that Finn had a special talent to make her feel lonely, a special talent to show her how every day, she dropped one more place on his priority list.

Finn had always been somewhat cold and distant, a complete mystery, always locked in his feelings and Millie genuinely believed that she had learned to accept that side of his personality, but the truth is that for a long time she felt that she was carrying the weight of their relationship alone, as if she were the only reason things hadn't fallen apart.

After a couple of knocks on the door, a blonde with the world's warmest smile walked in, holding a cup of tea, pulling her out of the misery her thoughts were leading her to.

"Hi, hi, sleeping beauty..."

"Hi Sarah".

Millie smiled accepting the tea and motioning for Sarah to sit next to her, Sarah was not just a housekeeper or her lifelong nanny, she was like a mother to Millie, she was in every memory of her childhood ,every time Millie turned back, she was there, in the happiest moments, in the saddest moments, always by her side in the dark, without hesitating for a moment to leave everything and be by her side, after all, Sarah was also a lonely woman, Millie was like a daughter to her and Millie was the luckiest to have her in her life, for a girl whose mother died and with a father with whom she did not want to have any contact, to have someone like her , it was an absolute blessing.

"Again, he had to go to the office on Sunday ...". Millie said more as a statement than a question, staring at the contents of her mug before taking a small sip.

"I know Darling ... he left very early, mentioned something about some documents he had to order and an emergency meeting, he didn't even finish his coffee ... and well ... you know him better than I do".

"I know, it's just ... it's Sunday Sarah! It's our only day off, he promised we'd spend the day together and ...".

"He promised? ... I thought the President of Wolfhard Industries hated making promises". Sarah said a little confused.

"Well ... he didn't exactly say that ... I mean, he wasn't that literal ...".

"Baby ... come on, I have hardly seen you all week, I want talk a little..." Millie said trying to control her breathing as Finn kissed her neck, trailing his lips to her collarbones as he began to unbutton the top of her pajamas, as soon as he came from the office and into the room, he threw himself on her like a hungry animal.

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