Chapter 8.- "Wake up now!"

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I don't want the same life but I want the same instinct

I want a countdown and do the same, but different...

Millie was in Dr. Harbor's waiting room, to be a place that he temporarily rented and fitted out for use as an office, it was very cozy, the best thing is that in those weeks he had even made the place look with personality, it was very much his style.

David would only be in Vancouver for a month and would leave after the event but even so, he was not one of those men who wasted time, as soon as some of his readers found out that he would be providing consultations, his schedule was filled immediately, by Luckily for Millie, She had a privileged place on the list and, unlike the other patients, she did not have a set time limit, the process more than a therapy session became a chat between friends.

There was an incredible affinity between them, it was not something very difficult to believe since Millie grew up without a decent father figure and since David had also suffered the loss of his daughter, in their long talks they managed to comfort each other.

In the almost 3 weeks that they had seen each other they had made a great advance, it helped a lot that this was not the first time that Millie saw a therapist, she was a person who was interested in her mental health, since she arrived in Vancouver despite being very young, he made the decision to go to therapy and seek help, She never wanted the pain of her past to interfere with her present or her future that was the big difference between Millie and Finn, while he lets his ghosts consume him, she always did everything possible to find the light.

Millie's previous experience helped a lot in the process, helped them move forward in a way that surprised the doctor, he had never seen a person so open to sharing their feelings and with a high level of concentration, entering the total process of hypnosis was complicated for many patients but with Millie everything was simple, for the first week they had investigated the memories of adolescence and childhood, the second week was a little more intense since the regression session led her to relive moments of her baby stage and even relive the experience of being in her mother's womb, all those things that people say, things like...

"Babies can hear from the womb of the mother"

"Babies can feel what their mother feels"

All that was true and it was a truly emotional experience, Millie managed to connect deeply with the memory she had of her mother, that allowed her to corroborate how widely loved she was by her and despite her failures and having been unable to free them both from the hell they lived in in London next to her father, her love was real and she did the best she could.

Although the first sessions were really successful, in the end they came to a conclusion... Millie did not find what she was looking for.

Every memory, every moment that she relived, were things that Millie was already well aware of, her years of therapy had helped her to be at peace with the pain related to her father, mother, her lonely years, having to leaving her country, having had to find a new life ... she knew all that, none of those was the missing piece.

The emptiness continued, that feeling that there is still something to discover, there was still an unknown tightness in her chest that she did not know where it came from, all possibilities had been ruled out and that is why she and Dr. Harbor were now face to face prepared to move on to the next stage... Millie was a candidate to take the session to the next level.

"Well Millie ... as I told you a moment ago ... you are a candidate to continue with the regression sessions to a deeper stage, I want you to know that you are completely free to deny yourself, I understand that this can scare you and ...".

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