Chapter 26.- "It's a deal..."

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(Please don't hold back in the comments, I love knowing every thought and emotion you experience as you read)

"We've taken different paths

And travelled different roads

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

And when you're in the trenches

And you're under fire I will cover you

Though we don't share the same blood

You're my brother and I love you that's the truth

If I was dying on my knees...

You would be the one to rescue me

And if you were drowned at sea...

I would give you my lungs so you could breathe"

Song: Brother by Kodaline.

3 years before ...

"I'm just saying that you are behaving like a couple of babys, this does not surprise me from my stupid brother, but you? ... Come on Millaaay, surely you are fighting over some silly thing!"

Noah leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as Millie put a couple of coins in the vending machine waiting for her chocolate bar to drop, she wasn't even looking at him, she was more used to being like a second mother to him and being her who scolded him most of the time, but when the roles were reversed, Millie could be very stubborn.

"It was not silly!" She defended herself. "You need to know the whole story, our fight is not just about one thing, it is an accumulation of many things"

"Okaaay ... then tell me, we have time ...".


5 days, It had been 5 days that Finn and Millie had not spoken, since Sunday night, Finn turned into a ghost, he seemed to be avoiding everyone, especially Millie ... although to be fair, she was the one who asked him to do that.

What was the problem this time?

Millie bought tickets to see a movie that she had been waiting for a long time, they had a date and Finn was supposed to pick her up on Sunday at 7:00 pm...

But he didn't show up, instead texting with an excuse that only made Millie even more upset.

"Please don't kill me, something came up in the company and my dad insisted that I had to be there, this time I couldn't help it ... I'll make it up to you baby, ok?"

Finn was supposed to start moving away from his father, he was supposed to strive to forge his own path, not always do what he said, Millie didn't understand why he couldn't face him, Finn was the most intimidating and confident person she had ever met but for some reason none of that applied when he was in front of Eric Wolfhard, she tried to be patient but couldn't help feeling hurt...Sarah wasn't home that weekend and while Millie was the kind of person who wouldn't mind going to the movies alone, she definitely wasn't in the mood for that. She just got into bed and curled up while playing the saddest playlist she could find, her crying and the soft melodies made her sleep for a couple of hours, that until the sound of her window sliding awakened her... and yes... of course it was him, his lanky figure and head of curls crossed the window frame as he had that sly, arrogant smile on his face.

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