Chapter 32.- "Blood oath"

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"If I'm a pagan of the good times

My lover's the sunlight

To keep the Goddess on my side

She demands a sacrifice

Drain the whole sea

Get something shiny

Something meaty for the main course

Take me to church

I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

Offer me that deathless death

Good God, let me give you my life"

Song: Take me the church by Hozier


The problem with finally connecting with your emotions is that once you start you can't stop, I had to wait a few minutes to calm down before returning to the interior of the hangar. I still had to deal with some questions from the officers before they let me go, I could still feel the annoyance on the face of some elements, as if some of them still wanted to beat me up, I mean... I don't blame them, their job is hard enough without some idiot in love starting to act like the lead in an action movie, I definitely didn't make them have a good time...

Even so, everyone was friendly and made things easier for me, I answered a couple of questions, signed a couple of documents and they let me go with a warning and of course... a big infraction.

"We finished here, have a nice trip Mr. Wolfhard and if I can give you some advice ... never try something like that again...never."

"I ... I know, I'm really sorry everything I caused". My face was surely completely red now, I was fucking embarrassed.

"My lawyer will contact you in a few minutes to talk to you about something, I could not leave without knowing that in some way it would make up for what I cause today for you and your men".

The officer seemed to be confused but in the same way he nodded and gave the order to his men to leave the place, A couple of minutes ago I had sent Gaten a message to take care of making some reservations at the best restaurant so the officers could have a complimentary dinner where they could spend time with their families, a night of relaxation and fun is the least I should do for them.

"Well ... the time has come". I let out a long sigh as I turned to the plane, Millie and Noah had been inside for the last hour, it was decided not to involve them in any of this process and thus not risk that Millie could get upset, my legs trembled as I climbed each step, I did not know if it was all the intensity of the last couple of hours or the nerves that my plan was about to start, it was a great responsibility on my shoulders but it was my decision.

I am going to help Millie, she is going to get her life back, she will have a wonderful future, even if I am not included in it.

"Mr. Wolfhard, we await your indications to be able to take off ". The voice of one of the pilots brought me back to reality as I walked through the door of the plane, he was standing there with his impeccable uniform and his firm and relaxed posture despite the strange situation they had to witness, from the insignia I can deduce that he is the captain ... Shit, how many more people would I have to apologize to today?

"Of course and I ... I'm really sorry everything that happened here, I know it was crazy and seriously ..."

"Mr. Wolfhard". The man interrupted me with a gentle pat on the shoulder. "I have worked with the Vanderwaals for almost 10 years, believe me when I tell you that I am used to strange situations ... also his brother has been quite communicative in telling us the reason for all this uproar ".

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