Chapter 28.- "How can a cage save a bird?"

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(Please don't hold back in the comments, I love knowing every thought and emotion you experience as you read)

"...When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
I often think about where I went wrong
The more I do, the less I know

But I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness
and a wandering eye, and heaviness in my head

But don't you remember?
Don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before
Baby, please remember me once more..."

Song: Don't You Remember by Adele

Caleb's recommendations were clear ... The best way to help Millie was to keep her in a complete state of calm and hope that in a couple of days she would react and slowly regain her sense of reality.

For that they had to let her reach a total degree of tranquility and that meant not forcing her to remember anything and not contradicting her ideas and perceptions, the mental state in which she found herself made her vulnerable and the new identity that her brain had acquired was a protective shield, which hopefully and with everyone's cooperation, would fall by itself in the next couple of days and thus prevent Millie's case from having to escalate to a level none of them wanted.

They had all taken the instructions very seriously, they had decided that it was best to give Millie space, considering that they would not be able to approach her anyway,

Sadie had to continue taking charge of Brown Events, especially now that it had been decided that Noah would be the one to spend time with Millie since he was the only one capable of communicating in her language and therefore making her feel a little calmer, no one believed that having a bunch of strangers speaking a different language was a good idea in their recovery process.

On the other hand, Mary decided that she would be in charge of being attentive not only to her house but also to Finn and Sarah's house who had spent many days unattended, sure to take care of the mail, cleaning and gardening would keep her busy, She knew it would be helpful as Sarah wouldn't be coming home yet, she didn't want to be too far from Millie and was staying in a small hotel right across from the hospital, she decided that way even though Finn made her a slightly better offer.

"Finn, I will not live in a hospital room,

this is not a hotel! I don't feel like it's correct! "

Yeah ... it's no surprise how intense Finn can be and his idea to stay close to Millie was to pay to be able to have some of the rooms close to her, it really wasn't hard to get what he wanted, not only because of his last name, the annual donations he made to the hospital or offering to pay for his stay, the truth is that although in other circumstances it would have been wrong to occupy the place that some other patient might need, that area of ​​the hospital was at half capacity, there were so many free rooms that they didn't mind making an exception for one of their greatest benefactors and of course, Caleb helped a lot in that too.

It was obvious that it was not a hotel but Finn didn't care, he had everything he needed, a bed, a shower and the few times he had an appetite he could go down to the cafeteria or have something from the vending machine, the little comforts did not have importance since his day was based on 2 things.

1.- Being working from his laptop and in constant calls with Gaten, who was going crazy for the next results meeting.

2.-Try to run away from Gaten and look for any excuse to approach Millie's room and try to see her from afar.

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