Chapter 35.- "Don't you see?"

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"I can't count the times
I almost said what's on my mind
But I didn't
And just the other day
I wrote down all the things I'd say
But I couldn't
I just couldn't

Baby, I know that you've been wonderin'
Mm, so here goes nothin'"

Song: In case you didn't know By Brett Young

Noah's POV

Sometimes I don't understand how time can pass so fast ...

It's been over a month since we got here, I guess time flies when you're having fun.

Yes, that was absolutely sarcasm.

Being in a place with the same technology as the age of the dinosaurs is not fun.

Dressing up as a minor character in a Peter Pan school play all day is no fun.

Having more than a month without sex, parties and any kind of banal entertainment is not fun.

And above all ... being in the middle of Millie and Finn's constant fights, which are just a great way to disguise that they both want to rip their clothes off, is not fucking fun ... Especially when the internal battle that happens in the Finn's head puts him in an unbearable mood.

He has strived to maintain a healthy balance, he has found almost the perfect formula to maintain his facade before our princess, be her faithful guardian, take care of her and be her shadow but ... without letting her see how he really feels about her and preferably without losing his shit and controlling his explosive character.

He has succeeded... almost most of the time.

The reality is that at the slightest provocation they are fighting again, but if you ask my opinion, sometimes it seems that both of them enjoy it and I'm not going to lie... me too. It is in those moments when it seems that nothing bad happened and that we are still at home, being the same as always.

We are still concerned about the lack of any progress that is really significant, from home the guys continue to support us as best they can.

Gaten is using the best researchers to find out more about Millie's past, Sarah has told us everything she knows about her but still Caleb considers it important to know her family history we need to do everything to rule out any precedent of mental illness in her family at least in the last 3 generations ... he has not been very successful.

Sadie is not only in charge of continuing with the business but she should contact Dr. David, he had some sessions with Millie and Caleb considers it relevant to have a talk with him even in the face of Finn's refusal.

"Listen Schnapp ... I remember everything Millie told me about that regression session she had with him, I think it may all just be a trick, I don't think we should waste time with him"

In the same way, Sadie continues to try to contact him despite the fact that it seems that the spiritual retreat in which he was secluded is in the most hidden corner of the world or at least that is what her assistant told her, who has kindly taken all of Sadie's messages promising to inform the doctor of all her attempts to contact him.

Because of all that tension, you can't blame me if I find some fun in Finn and Millie's little confrontations.

She is unwilling to let him win and he really enjoys teasing her, especially when his taunts are directed at his beloved imaginary Prince, whom my brother has maturely decided is now his main enemy.

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