Chapter 13.- "You are just like him"

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" You'll never know how to make it on your own

And you'll never show weakness for letting go

I guess you're still hurt if they say so

But do you really want to be alone?..."

"There is one more gift, I have something important to tell you and ...".

"Oh come on Millie...". Finn's deep and cold voice cut off her words abruptly, there was a certain tone of false condescension and irony in his tone, his voice was perfect to complement his fake and icy smile.

"Don't be reckless baby, don't interrupt this beautiful moment, I mean, isn't it touching? ... mother and son ... they look so cute , they could be on the cover of one of those fucking social magazines".

Millie feels a chill run down her spine, that chill that hits you when a draft of cold air leaks through the window, announcing that the weather is about to change.

"Finn, please baby, you're drunk and ...".

"Just a little drunk, but you can't blame me... that liquor collection is still the best in all of Vancouver, it's just how I remember it... in fact ... everything is just as I remember it ... hadn't you said that this house had been remodeled? That it wasn't what it used to be?". Finn said looking at his mother and then at Millie, with a bit of a grudge.

The truth is that in all these years the house had had many changes and remodeling, Millie had taken over most of it, but it was a job that took time and was not yet 100% completed ...unfortunately Finn was one of the people who only see the bad side of things and for him, the only important thing at that time was that things related to his father were still intact.

"Well son ... we are not done yet, we decided to give priority to the main areas such as the living room, the dining room and ...".

"What are you thinking? ... make a fucking sanctuary for him?". Finn said interrupting his mother. "You want his damn office and things to stay intact to create a museum or ... oh! It is a good idea... The museum of the greatest bastard in the world!!, sounds good, could even finance it". Finn scoffed as he took another sip from the bottle, while Mary and Millie looked at him nervously, their anxiety was in complete contrast to Noah's mood, he wasn't intimidated, no... he was sick of this.

"Finn could you please spend a damn day not believing that you are the center of the universe? ... it's mom's birthday!". Noah spat angrily, placing his hands on the table leaning a little more forward.

"Oh Sure, sorry to interrupt, your mother-son moment ... but please continue, tell me the wonderful things you will do on your trip to Paris, I didn't know you loved Paris mom ... although well, I don't know many things about you ..." .

"Son I ..". Mary tried to speak but Finn interrupted her again.

"No, it's okay... I'm happy that Noah found a mother, I mean... he needed it, he was a poor orphan boy and he needed all your love, what you did is admirable mom... it doesn't matter if for that you had to leave behind your biological son ".

"Finn please don't say things you can regret and...".

"It's ok Millie" . Mary gave her a reassuring look. "Finn has been silent for a long time, all this time I have wanted to have this talk with him, I did not expect it to be like this but... if he thinks it is a good time to tell me all my mistakes, I want to hear him ... I want to know how much damage I did him, I am tired of ignoring our conflicts, I know I made mistakes and it is only fair that he vent so that once and for all I can understand and apologize for the things I did and ... ".

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