Chapter 29.- "A.N.N.E"

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"We wrote and we wrote
'Til there were no more words
We laughed and we cried
Until we saw our worst
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are?
Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart?..."

Song.- Put A Little Love On Me by Niall Horan

The first hours of Thursday passed quickly, that happens when many things happen at the same time and everything gets out of control.

On one side was concern about what happened to Millie;

Noah had waited at a decent hour in the morning to tell Mary and Gaten what had happened, he and Sarah had been in charge of bringing everyone up to speed on everything that had happened hours before and how that had led to Sarah making the final decision to transfer Millie to the mental hospital.

It was very noticeable that no one was happy with that news but they could not do anything about it, whatever was happening with Millie was serious and although it would break their souls to see her in such a situation, they couldn't blame Sarah for making that decision.

"How did Finn take it? ... Where is he?"

Those were the first questions that Gaten and Mary asked, they knew that Finn was terrified of seeing Millie admitted to a psychiatric facility, subjected to dozens of medical studies and away from him, which brings us to the second reason for concern that day...

Where was Finn?

Everyone hated when he disappeared like that, they couldn't help but feel a deep concern for him, he was a different man now and although his changes had been positive, that also represented a disadvantage ... Now Finn was completely unpredictable.

They never knew the previous Finn completely well, full of secrets and pain and although this Finn was trying to be better every day that brought them all back to the starting point, they weren't able to read him, they didn't know what was on his head and since he was really dealing with everything that was happening, the pain had been too much and it was obvious to everyone that Finn was pretending to be fine most of the time.

"I called the campus and he is not in the garden ... that was my only idea". Noah looks at Mary who starts to get more anxious as the hours go by.

"It's almost 3:00 pm. It's strange that he hasn't contacted us, I just hope he's in a safe place and that he has eaten something and ..."

"He is selfish ...". Noah interrupts Mary.

"Don't say that, he's not like that anymore and you know that ..."

"No mom, I don't mean that". Noah sighs trying to find the right words. "There are many ways to be selfish, before Finn was trying to cope with his pain by hiding it and that made him selfish because he did not realize the damage he caused to the people he loved, especially Millie, but now ... all he does is worry about her, her environment , us, everyone!... except himself!... ".

"He is selfish with himself" . Mary said and watched as Noah nodded showing that she got the point.

"Yes mom ... and that kind of selfishness is very dangerous, I know that Finn is trying in his own way, he is trying to heal but, he has not stopped being a time bomb, a grenade that will explode when all this shit becomes too much and the fact that it is so unpredictable makes me nervous because we do not know when it will happen, how it will happen, if it will be good, bad ... I'm afraid one of these days he'll just do something very stupid".

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