Chapter 11.- "Can I have a kiss now?".

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"We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Hearts are never broken

And time's forever frozen still..."

"I thought you and Finn were being... you know, careful...". Sarah said removing the kettle from the stove as she pulled out 2 cups from the cupboard.

"We were careful, we always have been! I decided to take the pill and it had worked for us but... they have been difficult weeks, I have had so many things to think about... I don't know, I must have forgotten to take some... Finn is going to freak out. I don't even know how he's going to take the news, I was going to tell him tonight but I think fate got in the way and.... I'm glad... I wasn't ready to tell him yet, it scares me to think about his reaction".

"Sweet heart ... I think that's not the important thing now, you have more important things to focus on ... So ... the doctor said you have a high risk pregnancy, right?". Sarah said as she handed Millie a cup of hot tea and sat down next to her. "What exactly did the doctor say?"

Millie only stared at the cup seeing how the smoke came out forming strange shapes until it was lost in the space in front of her, she was trying to remember every detail of what the doctor said, there were so many medical terms and technicalities that she knew it was impossible to remember them all she looked at Sarah and decided to summarize everything in the simplest way.

"Well, I did not understand many things he said but ... he said that in any pregnancy the first 3 months are the riskiest for any woman, especially if it is your first baby ...". Millie felt a strange heat in her chest when she mentioned that word, this was real, there was a baby growing inside her, that heat was suddenly displaced by the cold of worry.

"But in my case ... there is a little more risk, you know that since I was a teenager my period has always been irregular and because of that, in these weeks I never suspected that I could be pregnant, when my period did not come, I thought it was ... I don't know ... normal? ... and all this time I continued taking the contraceptive pills, filling my body with unnecessary hormones and in addition to that I have hardly eaten, slept, I have been full of stress and... ". Tears began to flow down Millie's face, as she could no longer bear the guilt and concern over her carelessness.

"My little baby was 4 weeks in my womb and I have done nothing but things to hurt him...the doctor said that I am lucky that something bad has not happened yet, but ... it is important to start taking the right treatment, change my style of life, start acting immediately ".

"Is that why he gave you these things?" Sarah said as she took all the medicine boxes from Millie's purse.

"Yes ... they are vitamins, you know ... all kinds of vitamins, iron, folic acid, calcium, my immune system is also somewhat weak so that should help me."

"Hurt him ... you said hurt him". Sarah said "do you think he's a boy?".

"I ... yeah, it's like a feeling, I think my baby is a boy". Millie said with a sweet smile.

"Millie...I think I should go back, I can stay with you and ...".

"No Sarah, of course I want you to be by my side at this stage but I don't want you to change the course of your life". Millie interrupted her. "Also, I have to know if I am capable of facing this type of responsibility on my own, I am going to be a mother and I need to be capable, mature and responsible to take care of my baby, How will I do it if I can't take care of myself without running to you? I must be the best mom ". That would be the first time Millie had said it out loud and she couldn't help the huge smile that formed on her face.

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