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Chapter 16

Yuqi's POV


"Aren't you feeling a bit guilty about what you did to Miyeon?" Mark said while focusing on the road. We are on the way to our rest house since our operation to kidnap Minnie was a success, although I had to take drastic measures since Miyeon wanted to back out of the plan.

"Oh come on Mark, why would you even ask? Of course I feel bad about doing this but I have to. Plus, she owes me a favor after that night." I said then looked at the rear mirror, I can see Mark's eyes intensely staring back so I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"How were you able to reach Miyeon by the way? I mean, you are lucky the her Girlfriend is a photographer. Other than that she looks very stunning, Miyeon has taste" Mark said then chuckled.

"So you're also questioning my abilities? Jeez Mark, It's so easy to reach Miyeon since their Wine business in Korea is famous. I just waited for the right moment to execute my plan." I said then looked outside the window. The trees were very relaxing to see, It's been a while since I had a long ride like this.

"I bet your father is furious right now Yuqi, If he realizes that you're gone" He added.

"Then good for him. For years, I've been obeying his stupid commands and hasn't complained about anything. Let's just see how he's going to take action about her missing daughter before the unity of the two companies commence." I said then laughed sarcastically like a psycho who just escaped.

"You've gone completely insane Yuqi, I suddenly remember when you fell in a pit when we were kids. Miyeon was so worried and even called a lot of people just to help you. " Mark said then laughed as well.

The memory that he just told me was when we were at golf training. I hit the ball so far it went to the woods, Miyeon came along to help me fetch the ball but when we got there I fell into a pit. It was ten feet deep but I didn't got hurt because the soil was soft and I was able to slide down rather than falling straight down. Miyeon was so shocked when I fell, she started crying out loud and I can't help but to laugh at her panicking so much. I told her to call Mark and Lucas but instead, she called the 911 and all.

It was very thoughtful of Miyeon to care so much about me, but I just didn't expect her to leave without saying goodbye. That night still haunts me since I received the punishment that will never be forgotten by my mind.

"Yeah, good old days" I simply said then sighed.

While Mark was driving, I glanced to my side where Minnie is unconsciously breathing heavily. I moved closer to her and leaned forward to see that she has dirt on her face. I grab some wet wipes and wiped of the dirt on her face, I can't help but to admire her face. Her cheeks were so soft and she even smells good.

I didn't realized that I was staring to much, but it all ended when I felt a sudden thigh grip on my hand. I looked and it was Minnie's hand griping mine harshly. I turned back to her face and she was looking at me seriously.

We were now currently looking at each others eyes and I feel like I'm drowning, my heart started to beat fast every second. But luckily I got back into my senses then grabbed the handkerchief with sleeping drugs, I immediately placed it on her nose and she quickly fell back to a deep slumber.

"What's all the ruckus back there?" Mark said then arranged the rear mirror to see what I did. His eyes suddenly grew huge but I didn't know why. It took a few seconds before I realized that I was on top of Minnie while our faces are an inch away. I arranged my self and took a deep breath.

"Uhm.. Minnie was awake and-" I was about to explain but then the car stopped which made me lean forward and lightly hit my head on the front seat.
"yah Mark what was that-" I didn't finished my sentence because I was surprised to see who was sitting on the driver's seat.

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