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Chapter 11

Yuqi's POV

I'm currently at the entrance of the hotel, I wont be long so I hazarded my car at the side. I just want to make an appointment or maybe get my self a personal trainer. I hope they give me their best one.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Song" Kang said then waved at me as I approach the entrance. I can't believe that he's still here, I mean I thought his shift is during the morning.

"Good afternoon to you too!" I said as I wave back.

"Let me guess, You're here to check on the reservations again?" He said then crossed his arms.

"Nope, but maybe. I mean, my real intention here is to do what you told me last time." I said then he looked at me happily.

"Really?? You're going to try the hotels special features?" He asked.

"Yes, I decided to try out your gym. I'm here to find myself a personal trainer." I said then he looked at me from head to toe. Why did he do that though?
"Why are you looking at me like that mr. Kang?" I asked then he nodded amusingly.

"I just don't get why you need to try out our gym, It's not that I'm against it but you look kinda fit for me." He said as he continues to stare at me.

"I'm just conscious about my body! Somebody told me that I've been gaining weight lately. Though it's true, I just want to maintain my body." I explained, I'm not that fat, I just really want to stay fit I guess.

"I see, that's a great decision. I hope that you'll enjoy this place even more." He said then gestured me the way in.

I smiled at him and left without saying another word. I'll check on miss Seo later, I need to go to their gym first. 

It took me a few minutes before arriving there, I kinda got lost a bit. I usually go here and just go straight to Miss Seo. But I must say, I'm impressed about the renovations that they have done. It looks more modern now, though I kinda miss the classic style. It is somehow the whole theme of the hotel but maybe the owner feels outdated so that's why they decided to change their style.

I entered the Gym and everything was pretty neat. Everything looks brand new and fully furnished.

"Good Afternoon ma'am! What can I do for you?" the guy from the counter asked me. I didn't notice him at first since I was admiring the renovated gym.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was distracted by the place. It's pretty cool." I said then walk towards the counter.

"Is it your first tim-" He didn't finish his sentence because he suddenly covers his mouth as if he saw a ghost. But I understand why, people usually show me different types of reactions whenever they see me for the first time. I'm famous because of my father and the Issue, but I sometimes don't mind the negative reaction of most people.

"I know you! You're the daughter of Mr. Song right?!" He asked as he points his index finger at my direction. I just sighed and chuckled at his reaction, I thought he was gonna be somehow rude but his reaction is pretty funny.

"Yes I am, Good Afternoon btw! My name is Song Yuqi." I said then reached out my hand. He didn't hesitate to shake my hands since it's pretty obvious that he admires me.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, I am the one who monitors the gym 24/7. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Song!" He said politely.

"The pleasure is all mine. But please, just call me Yuqi." I simply said then smiled at him. I actually can't help but to stare at his body, because he looks so buff. Not that buff, but he looks so fit. His shoulders are so broad and his muscled were showing since his wearing a tight jacket right now.

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