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Chapter 17

Yuqi's POV

"Choi Yena!!! Where the hell are you???"

"Sorry, I'm currently here at the bathroom throwing up."

"What? wait for me I'm coming"

"No, I'm already about to finish up. Just enjoy yourself with that hottie you're with right now"

"How did you know that I'm with someone right now?"

"Oh.. I actually saw you from a far before my stomach wanted to see the toilet seat."

"That's what you get when you drink too much Bacardi!!"

"Look who's talking! You've been drinking too much as well. And you seem very happy talking with that guy. He is actually so hot Yuqi, you should go for it."

"You know I'm not into guys idiot. And what happened to hooking me up with Akali tonight huh?? I was looking forward to it"

"Ow yeah, I talked to the Manager and they told me that Akali isn't available tonight, she had something personal to handle they say. It's kinda weird because this is the first time that she isn't available. I guess today you are just out of luck"

"Maybe but at least I get to talk to the guy who remembered me from a long time ago"

"Oh so you know each other?"

"Technically no but we know each other, he remembered me and I remember him hitting on Minnie while we were at the amusement park. He was the corn dog guy."

"Oooohh no doubt about it, you are famous Song Yuqi and I'm really lucky to be your friend."

"Whatever Yena, hurry up then. Let's just finish this drink and head home."

"But it's too early Yuqi!"

"Maybe you're forgetting that tomorrow is my first day of running the company."

"Ow yeah... Okay fine. I'll be right there in a minute."

"Is that your friend?" Jin Young asked as he gestured my phone when I dropped the call.

"yeah, and she is praying to God right now." I said then chuckled. He looked at me confusingly but he then realized what I meant.

"That's what you get when you drink Bacardi. Good thing she is still able to walk though and you as well." He said then chuckled. He doesn't look like a heavy drinker since he is just holding a beer.

"Do you still work at that Corn dog stand at the amusement park?" I asked just to changed the topic.

"Actually I was just a substitute for a friend. I'm actually an Engineer in the states" He said which made me almost choke from my drink.

He is an Engineer?? And he agreed to be a substitute for his friend who works at a corn dog stall during Christmas Day? I thought to myself.

"Then why did you agree? I mean you are an Engineer and you... I really don't understand." I asked.

"I went here in Beijing because he is the only person that I have. He asked me a favor to run the Corn dog stall for a while because he had to visit his mom at the hospital and of course as a friend I would do everything for him. It wasn't really a burden to me since I had a lot of free time." Jin Young said which amazed me.

Come to think of it, he is an Engineer and he is still willing to work at a job like that. But I don't know what he meant by "He is the only person that I have" doesn't he have a family of his own?

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