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Chapter 1

December 25, 2019

10:55 pm

Third Person's POV

"Ma'am!! Please step away from the body!" One of the emergency team yelled.

Yuqi was still crying so hard after Minnie completely closes her eyes after being shot right on the chest. Miyeon was trying to keep Yuqi away from Minnie's body since she needs to be taken to the hospital immediately.

"Yuqi!! Look at me!! She's going to be a-alright okay?" Miyeon said as she tried to calm Yuqi down, she was also sobbing so much but she was stronger than Yuqi.

"I need some more help! Ready the gurney we need to take her body immediately to the hospital, she's losing a huge amount of blood!" One of the emergency team commanded, she was currently applying pressure of Minnie's chest, Minnie is losing blood like a faucet flowing continuously.

After a few seconds, a bunch of rescuers gathered and lifted Minnie's body above the Gurney.

"My name is Im Nayeon, you can address me as Nayeon in short. I am one of Beijing's best rescue team member. I want to tell you that your friends condition right now is critical but we will do our best just to revive her. Please calm down and pray for your friend." Nayeon said as she knlet down and tried to calm Yuqi.

Miyeon on the other hand stood up and went to where Lucas was, he currently being stitched up by the paramedics since Miyeon shot his shoulder earlier.

"You son of a bitch!" Miyeon angrily said then slapped Lucas so hard which made him scream in pain. Suddenly two police men tried to pull Miyeon away from him because she was really gonna know him out.

"You're fucking lucky that you were just shot on the shoulder. I should have shot you right in the head! You deserve to die!" Miyeon angrily said once more, she broke loose from the two police and slowly went near Lucas. She grabbed his collar and tried not to punch him.

"If my fiancé dies because of you, I'll make sure you rot in jail. I don't care if you were a friend in the past." Miyeon said then she let's go of him. Lucas didn't say a word since he was completely insane.

The situation they were in was so complicated, the truth behind everything was revealed. It was very shocking to know that all this time, Mark was the one who killed Lucas's Mother just because of his jealousy towards him. Yuqi was just another reason why Mark did such a cruel thing to Lucas, Mark admits that he loves Yuqi but when he knew that Lucas and Yuqi were going to get married for their company's reputation he just has to do it.

But the fact that Mark killed Lucas's mother made him crazy cause he didn't expect that his most trusted friend would betray him like that.

Both Mark and Lucas were brought to the police station while Miyeon and Yuqi went straight to the hospital where Minnie is.
Lucky for them, Lisa (Minnie's sister) was able to track down the abandoned school where Lucas kidnapped them all. But they arrived a bit late.

Miyeon's POV

It pains me to look beyond this huge glass window, seeing Minnie unconsciously laying there with tubes attached to her. But seeing Yuqi cry over my fiancé adds more pain. From the moment Minnie dodge the bullet for Yuqi, I knew that there was something between them.

After a few minutes, a bunch of men in suits entered the hospital. It was probably from their company.

"Miss Yuqi, you have to come with us" one of them said, but Yuqi ignored them and continued staring at Minnie through the window.

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