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Chapter 23

Yuqi's POV

I was able to sleep comfortably last night despite the fact that somehow I feel embarrassed after meeting Akali and bursting out all of my tears. My body feels great today and I don't feel tired at all. 

After arranging myself for my second day, I didn't stick around in the house for too long. I went to our company and greeted my staffs before heading upstairs to my office. 

When I got there, I saw a cup of coffee and a paper bag with donuts inside. I wonder who left this here? I thought to myself. 

"Good Morning miss Song!" I heard Jisoo as she enters my office from behind. 

"Who left this at my table?" I asked nicely, I'm actually glad about it since I haven't eaten yet. It's about time to start eating breakfast again. 

"I did." Jisoo said shyly as she tucks a few strands of her hair behind her ear. 

"Oh really? thank you then. What's the occasion ?" I asked as I take a sit on my swirling chair. 

"Nothing much, it's just a little offering for you since you've done nice things to me" Jisoo said then smiled at me widely. 

"Nice things? I can't remember doing anything nice to you" I said then chuckled sarcastically. 

"Just enjoy it Miss Song, It's my way of saying thank you" Jisoo said then gave me a wink before bringing out her agenda notebook. That was cute though but weird at the same time. 

"Okay, moving on... What's my schedule for today?" I asked. 

"You have a meeting with the Administration Department at 12:00 pm and after that you have your work out session with Miss Soyeon" Jisoo said as she flips the pages of her notebook. 

Oh right, I'm working out today... I'm kinda excited to see Soyeon I don't know why. 

"Okay but before you leave, can you contact Soyeon and tell her that our work out session will surely happen today" I said happily but Jisoo suddenly gave me a dark gaze with a flashed smile on her face. I felt weird as she does that but maybe it's just her aura. 

"Copy that Miss Song, if you need anything else just call me" Jisoo said then bowed before exiting my office. 

I'm feeling great today, as if I don't have problems with my life. Yesterday was a shitty day for me but there is this tingly feeling inside me which makes me forget everything. Maybe it's the still the drink last night, I better eat up or else my stomach might malfunction. 

'This is good' I thought to myself as I take a huge bite on the donut that Jisoo bought for me. 
'Even this coffee tastes great' I said to myself. I have to give it to her, I'm impressed but I wonder what she's talking about? It's not like I've done a lot of nice things to her. Or maybe because she is thankful for me hiring her as my secretary? yeah maybe that's it. 

Soyeon's POV

"Waittt! can you repeat everything from the start Soyeon! I really can't process anything" Doyeon said as she puts both of her hands on her head as if she is going crazy. 

"Yah! you're really gonna make me tell everything from the start?!" I said then rolled my eyes at her. 

I've already decided to tell everything to Doyeon everything about me and what's happening in my life right now. Since she's the only one I can trust, plus she might throw a fit If I don't. 

"Let me get this straight, so you're boss.. No I mean should I say client, Song Yuqi right cancelled everything yesterday because she has personal problems which I cannot know." Doyeon said as she tried to tell me what I've said a few minutes ago. 

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