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Chapter 3

Yuqi's POV


The sun set was amazing, it wasn't just a normal sun set for me. The feeling of Minnie beside me made it more fascinating. I really felt the butterflies in my stomach going wild. I even completely forgot that Mark was also with us, but he wasn't looking at our direction, he was just closing his eyes and enjoying the breeze.

When the sun had set already, Minnie was still resting her head on my shoulder. I poked her face and she wasn't responding. I then took a peek and she already fell asleep! I can't believe that she was already sleeping.

"Yah Kim Minnie wake up!" I said then i tapped her cheek.

"Noooo, i don't want toooo wake up!" she said then tightened her grip on my waist.

"Yah, you need to take a warm bath or you'll get sick!" I said but she didn't replied. Mark suddenly spoke beside me.

"I see Minnie has already passed out. It was already expected since she drank almost all the beer" Mark said then we both laughed.

"Yeah, i didn't expect her to be like this. I thought she was a heavy drinker, but i guess not" i said.

"Well, we better get her back home so she could rest" Mark said then he stood up.
"Wait here for a moment, i'll just quickly return the cooler and comeback here to help you carry Minnie" Mark said then left with the cooler. He left me and Minnie sitting down at the ombre colored sky.

The moment was even perfect, me and Minnie alone now for a short while. I turned to look at her and she suddenly sneezed which surprised me.

"Yah, come on Minnie we need to go to the house now. " i said but she was mumbling and I couldn't understand.

"Hmm... i- i lov- love yuchiiii!" She said while she sneezed once more. Did i heard her right? Did she just said i love you?

"I love you too Minnie" I said, then she raised her head and moved away from me a bit.

Her expression suddenly changed, her sleepy mood was gone and she looked at me blankly.

"I'm sorry Yuqi..." Minnie said then looked away.

"I don't understand? I thought that yo-" She cuts me off.

"Thought of what? Me? Loving you?" She suddenly said, the way she delivers her words kinda hurts me.

"You just said..."I replied then she started laughing loudly yet sarcastically.

"Yuqi, it would be impossible for me to love you. I love Miyeon and I have no feelings for you.." Minnie said confidently, I can feel myself feeling ashamed for assuming that she loves me.

"But you know what...I have something for you" Minnie added then I noticed that her hand was holding something from behind.
After a few seconds I heard something click.

She immediately showed me what was on her hand and aimed it directly at my face. I can feel my heart pounding fast and couldn't understand what was happening.

"M-minnie what are you doing?" I stuttered then she smiled at me creepily. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to process everything.

But when I was about to open them, I heard a loud bang which made me go back to reality.

-end of dream-

I woke up and I can feel my self all sweaty even though the air condition was on. I placed my hand on my forehead to see If I was really shot and gladly it was just a dream.

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