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Chapter 13

Soyeon's POV

"I see you have something that belongs to me." I said as I tried to breathe slowly, my heart is beating like crazy right now.

"Oh you mean this mask that I'm wearing?" She said then gestured the mask which was currently covering her eyes.

My thoughts are all mixed up right now, why does she have that? I mean of all the people who could have found my mask why her? If so, where did I left it?

"Obviously, and would you be kind to hand it over to me so we wouldn't have a problem." I said then reached out my hand. But she ignored it and walked towards the side.

Her heels were echoing around the room which made me feel intense. I hope she doesn't see right through me.

"You think it's going to be that easy Akali?" She said then stopped in front of the mirror while her hands are crossed. We were both wearing masks and couldn't really see each other's expression but the eyes tells a lot.

"It's not like I owe you a favor Miss Song. But can I ask you something?" I suddenly said then changed my tone.

"That's actually why I'm here, and I'm not giving you this mask until I receive honest answers." She said as she stares at me through the mirror.

"And since I'm the first one to ask, you need to answer my question first." I said then crossed my arms. She is not the boss of me and I don't like the way she speaks to me as if we know each other very intimately.

"Fine, how about we exchange questions? Sounds fair?" She said then turn around to face me.

"You want us to talk here? Inside the restroom?" I asked, then she looked from left to right and sighed. Of course she wouldn't want to start a conversation here.

"Do you have a place where we can talk privately?" She asked.

"You know what, you sound like as if you really wanted me to bring you somewhere private" I mocked then I she chuckled under my mask.

"We will get there Akali." She said then I gestured her to go follow me.

I don't know where to go but the only place I could talk to her is the room where we first interacted.

I just walked towards the room upstairs without looking or glancing at her even once. I am actually intimidated by the sound of her heels, and I feel like she is looking at me intensely behind that mask. But I don't want her to notice that I'm somehow intimidated by her presence.

We reached the room and I opened the door for her, she didn't hesitate to enter and so did I. I opened the lights and even if I did, It was still very dim. This room is not made for people to talk, it's for those who pay huge amount of money for a special performance from one of our dancers which includes me. The room is also safe since there are no cctv's or hidden cameras, Minzy made sure that what happens inside this room will stay between the people in it.

"I think it's my turn to ask a question" Yuqi said then sat on the bed where I harshly threw her yesterday.

"Go ahead." I simply said then locked the door behind me. I still can't risk since there is a possibility that someone might barge in. Although this room is sound proof for a reason.

"So here it goes... Earlier today, I woke up inside a room, in a hotel. My clothes were all stripped and scattered on the floor. To be honest, I really can't remember what happened last night." She said and crossed her legs this time. I can tell that she is trying to scare me or something.

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