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Chapter 29

Soyeon's POV

Every turn, stop and go of the cab, makes me want to throw up. Not because I was dizzy but because of the nervous feeling rushing through my veins.

I'm so excited to see Yuqi and tell her everything but something in me wants to back out. But it's too late to back out now, we've already arrived.

I stepped out and it was very windy, the place was very quiet since it's a private airport. There weren't much lights but I can see the runway from here. I looked at the car across the street and it looks like one of the service cars from the Song company.

I looked at my watch and it was already 7:45 pm, I somehow didn't noticed the traffic because it gave me more time to think of what I should say when Yuqi is already in front of me.

I entered the side of the runway, since Yuqi instructed me to and look around too see where I could find her.

My attention was caught by the huge silver jet parked at the edge of the runway, I can also see that the pilot was already there. From a distance, I already saw Yuqi standing, waiting for me to arrive. I guess she hasn't seen me yet.

After a few seconds, my phone suddenly beeped and as expected it was Yuqi.

"Hey where are you?" Yuqi asked. I raised my hand and tried to wave it so she could see me.

"I'm over here" I said, she slowly glanced at my direction before welcoming me with a wide smile.

"How long have you been standing there?" Yuqi said as I approach her.

"A few minutes, got stuck in traffic but what's important is that I'm here right?" I said, she didn't answer, she waited for me to come closer before dropping the call.

"I'm glad that you made it." Yuqi said calmly. I can already feel my heart racing and I just don't know what to do. I need to calm down or else I wont be able to tell her everything clearly.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too" I simply said.

We remained quiet for a few seconds but it wasn't awkward at all. My thoughts are currently having a debate whether I should tell her that I'm Akali or not. But I really should.

"So, I need to tell you something" we both said in unison which made me clear my throat for a second.

"Uhm you go first" I said then gestured her.

"I'll go straight to the point." Yuqi said, she placed her hands on my shoulder and slightly pulled me closer to her.
"Soyeon, I think I like you. No, I really really like you." Yuqi said as she stares directly into my eyes.

'I knew it' I thought to myself.

To be honest, I was kinda expecting this since we've been hanging out a lot lately and both of us can feel that there is already something growing between us.

Yuqi suddenly removed her hands and grabbed something in her pocket. She revealed a small white box with a cute little ribbon on top. She slowly opened it and it was a charm bracelet with different elements.

"Oh, I bought this for you and as you can see, there is a small dumbbell over here, a bowl of ramen, a mini you as well and many more things that reminds me of you." Yuqi said while taking it out of the box. She grabbed my wrist and helped me put it on.

"This is so pretty Yuqi I love it! Thank you so much." I sincerely said then gave her a light and quick embrace.

"What I said earlier was true, I really like you Soyeon and I want to be more than just friends with you. I can prove you that I'm not just some CEO who gets girls because of my fame, I want to prove to you that I'm worthy." Yuqi said while gently caressing my hand with her thumb.

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