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Chapter 2

September 29, 2022

Yuqi's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm, I just hate the way it buzzed. It means that I should get up and survive another day. After a few seconds of looking at the ceiling my phone rang once more, and there is only one person in my mind that would call me this early.

"You know you could have just texted me, I hate the sound of my ringtone." I lazily said.

"Yah Song Yuqi!!! Aren't you forgetting something?" Yena annoyingly yelled through the phone.

Taking classes at my age is boring but meeting new people helps me with my social life. My Father forced me to study again but as promised before, I just obeyed. The classes that I'm taking now is about the business world, he just wanted to be sure that I won't screw things up. As if I'll let that happen, I'm smarter than he thinks, I don't even need to take extra classes.

These past few months, I've been thinking of living by myself independently. It's just that my Father is making me the next CEO of the Company, it's a great opportunity for me but I don't want to waste my time handling a huge company.

"Yena, it's 7 o'clock in the morning and you're expecting me to answer your question?" I said, then let out a yawn.

"I can't believe you! You really don't remember ?" She said upsettingly, I really don't remember anything. My brain is not in the mood to think clearly.

"TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!" She shouted once more. I completely forgot but jeez she doesn't have to remind me. I'd probably remember it after an hour!

"I know it's your Birthday Yena so calm down. What do you want?" I asked then I finally had the strength to sit up straight.

"We will celebrate it tonight!" She excitingly said.

"And where are we going to celebrate it may I ask?" I said.

"You know me Song Yuqi, we are going to party at an expensive bar tonight!" Yena said, She knows that I'm not into places like that.

"You know that I don't go to places like that. I mean, every corner of every bar has couple making out. Jeez that's not really for me" I pointed out. I hate the smell of strong alcohol and I hate seeing people making out in public places.

"Please Yuqi! Just this once!" Yena begged.

"You know that I have-" I wasn't able to finish what I said because I shouldn't be telling her this.

"Oh my... Are you still visiting that darn hotel?!" Yena asked annoyingly. But I can't lie to her, she would know.

"Yes..." I simply said, I heard her sighed.

"Yuqi, how many times have I told you. She's not coming back!" Yena said.

The truth is, after I was banned from stepping out of the house for five months, I've been going to the hotel where Minnie stayed. I go there everyday, anytime. I am still hoping that one day she'll return to Beijing and check in that hotel.

"I can't help myself Yena. I am still hoping that she'll come back to me. Even if I gave her a reason not to come back. But fine.. I'll come to your party later." I said just to change the topic.

"But you better stop going to that hotel or else Yuqi. If your Father finds out you are dead meat." Yena replied, as if he would know. I'm careful this time, I use my free time to go visit the hotel.

"Whatever, so what time amI suppose to be there? And what should I wear?" I asked, I don't even know what to wear. But I need to ask, I don't want to embarrass myself plus I need to blend in.

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