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Chapter 22

Soyeon's POV

I wasn't surprised to see a white suited company owner sitting at the Bar counter while having a decent talk with my bartender friend whom I favored to make a drink that'll make her crazy. After my performance, I went straight to the room where we would meet. 

I want to know the reason why she wanted to see me, as well as the reason why she cancelled our first work out session. It's actually weird because she was really looking forward to exercise with me and now she's here at the Bar wanting to see Akali. I haven't thought of anything to say since she might realize who I am behind my mask, but I'll try my best.

Waiting for her to arrive at this room didn't took long, but I can tell that she is already dizzy because of the way she blinks her eyes. 

"It's not like you know something" she said then rolled her eyes at me. I stood up and walked towards her, If she's not going to say then I have to use force. 

"And what if I say that I know something" I whispered in her ear, I felt her body shivered and that's when I thought of dropping the bomb. 

I traveled my hands on her shoulders up to her neck, I leaned forward to finally get a taste of her lips. I can tell that she was surprised but she didn't hesitated on kissing me back. 

She held my waist gently to deepen our kiss, it was hard to do so since my mask was on the way but she did not mind. She took a step forward and I did the same but the opposite, we made it to the bed without breaking our kiss. 

We slowly lay ourselves on the bed and I allowed her to be on top of me. Usually, I would always be the top but she's an exception. She separated herself and started planting kisses on my face down to my neck. I can't help but to feel pleasured with every touch of her lips on my skin, she is very gentle not like the other. 

But it all ended when I felt something wet on my neck, I started hearing small sobs from her. She stopped and used her hands to support herself. 

'Shit she's crying?' I thought to myself. 

I grabbed both of her shoulders and pushed her forward, now she's sitting on my lap as I see her tears continuously falling down her face. This is a very awkward situation to cry but it doesn't feel that way. 

She covered her face using both of her hands this time, I can't help but to feel the same way. Something must be wrong, no.. Something is definitely wrong. 

"I'm s-sorry" Yuqi said hen sniffed her nose. 

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I asked then I removed her hands from her face. She looks cute even when she is crying. 

"I shouldn't have come here" Yuqi said while looking down. I wiped her tears and stared at her for a moment. 

"Why don't you tell me everything?" I said, but she gestured me no by shaking her head sideways. 

"Look, I want to help you. Don't worry, what we're going to talk about wont be exposed. I won't tell anyone I promise." I said then she looked at my eyes, I tried my best to also stay calm but my heart is going crazy as well. I don't know if I should be worried whether she would find out who I am or not.  

"It's funny... I feel like I've already seen you somewhere. But I wont bother thinking about it. It's much better to tell my problem to someone I don't know" Yuqi said then went beside me. It would probably be weird if we would stay on that position. But for a moment there I thought she already figured out who I was. 

"I'm ready to listen" I said as I faced front. 

"Do you know me?" Yuqi asked, what kind of question is that? of course I know her. 

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