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Chapter 18

Soyeon's POV

I am already stuttering due to the fact that she recognizes me, I'm so gonna get fired for this. What's worse is that I'll be seeing everyday since I am her personal trainer, it would really be awkward for me.

Seeing her in front of me right now makes my heart beat like crazy but the fact that she smells like alcohol right now made me realize that she probably went to the bar and see Akali again, to see me again.

"Before you say anything else, you smell like alcohol.... I'm guessing that you went to the Bar?" I said just to change the topic.

"Yes, but I wasn't satisfied because I didn't get to see the person I was expecting to see" Yuqi said then took a sip from the expresso that I offered.

"I had something persona-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Yuqi suddenly spoke again.

"But at least I get to see my personal trainer right? I've been looking forward on meeting you before we start exercising" Yuqi said then gave me a smile. Wait... I'm confused, so she doesn't know that I'm Akali? Because If she does, she definitely woudln't talk to me like this.

"Is this your first time seeing me?" that question suddenly went out of my mouth even though it was very risky.

"Well, Jin showed me a picture of you does that count?" Yuqi asked which made me feel so relieved. Jeezz for a minute there I thought she already knew I was Akali.
"Why do you ask? It's not like we've met before right?" She added then gave me a keen eye, I quickly turned my head to the side to avoid tension.

"No no...We haven't met before of course and you know it Haha.. But I know you because.. Uhmm. you are famous! You are the next Heir of the Song company." I said then she nodded at me amusingly.

"That sucks though.." Yuqi suddenly said then sighed. I wonder what's her problem with that. I mean If I were to be the next heir of a company I'd be happy.
"Why don't we continue this conversation over there at the table, we can also talk about your schedule If that's okay?" Yuqi added then gestured the way to where she sat earlier. I can't say no of course, plus I don't have anything to do. I guess I would rather talk with someone than talk to my sad thoughts.

"Sure, It would be a pleasure talking to Miss Song Yuqi." I said then she rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh please, cut the formalities. Call me Yuqi." She said then we walked towards the table and sat down. We are now facing each other and nothing feels more nerve racking than this.

"Oh okay... Yuqi. Oh where are my manners? My name is Jeon Soyeon but you can just call me Soyeon" I said then smiled shyly. What is wrong with me?

"It's a pleasure to finally meeting you in person Soyeon, but you seem a little tense. Are you alright? Can I get you anything?" Yuqi said which made me gulp for a moment. Is this really Song Yuqi? the real Song Yuqi? because the first time that we met, I already got intimidated by her presence.

"Uhm, I'm fine it's just that... I'm very pre occupied and tired at the moment" I said then she suddenly placed the expresso near me.

"Why didn't you say so? Have a sip. It helps you relax right?" She said then I looked at the expresso in front of me.
"Uhm... I'm sorry.. I'll just buy you a new one" Yuqi suddenly said then stood up. I immediately grabbed her hand before she takes another step. She must have noticed that I hesitated with her offer. She looked at me and I let go of her hand, I quickly took the expresso and took a sip.

"You don't have to say sorry, it's my fault that I hesitated" I said then gave her a bow.

"I'm sorry for acting casually, I'm not used to being sociable so I assumed that you got offended" She said then scratched her head. How can she not be used to socializing? It's not lilke she doesn't have that much friends right? Isn't that how life works? when you're famous, you usually have lots of friends around you.

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