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Chapter 28

Yuqi's POV

"Yuqi I'll be sending the private jet tonight at 8 pm sharp, you'll arrive here exactly an hour before the meeting starts." My father said through the line, he's been calling me non stop about this event that I should attend.

It's been three days ever since I slept at Yena's house. We've talked about life and such but mostly about me. She keeps on telling me to confess already cause I'm such a pain in the ass.

I really want to but I seem to notice something weird every time I go to work. It's not about Soyeon but about my secretary, she's been giving me clues or some type of riddles which were pretty obvious. I mean, I'm not dumb to not know that she's into me, but that's the least of my problems.

"Yeah I know Dad, I've already pack my things earlier and right now I'm arranging the documents that needs to be signed." I said while arranging some papers, I actually wanted to bring hard copies since I have no time to print them on the way.

"Have you informed your secretary about it? She has to come of course" My father said which made me look at Jisoo who was also listening to our conversation. I actually put it on speaker mode cause I need to use both of my hands.

"I already did, as a matter of fact, she's actually listening right now so you don't have to worry." I said.

"Okay if that's settled, I got to go and get ready as well" he said before dropping the call. I was also done organizing stuff, all I have to worry about is my personal problems. I will be gone for three weeks, which means I wont be able to have a work out session with Soyeon. I haven't mentioned this business trip to her because I seem to be nervous about telling her.

While staring at my table for a few minutes, I heard Jisoo cleared her throat which made me look at her again.

"If you're worried about leaving the company behind without anyone to watch over it, why not ask Yena to run it for you for the mean time?" Jisoo suggested, it's actually a great idea but I trust my Father's workers. Although I can also ask Yena like she said just to be sure.

"Maybe I'll ask her about it, as long as it doesn't affect her schedule." I simply replied, I shouldn't be acting all weird but I can't help it.

"So we're going to be away for three weeks right? omo that's kinda long don't you think?" She said while walking closer to my table.

"Yup. But we're going away for work not to have fun just so you know" I clarified, she sounded as if we were going to have a vacation or something.

"Of course, but you shouldn't stress yourself Yuqi. uhm.. actually I have to tell you something" she said then placed her hands behind her back. I kinda froze for a moment because I have a feeling that she will tell me something that'll make things awkward.

But what are the odds? my phone suddenly rang and Soyeon's name pops at my screen, unconsciously making me form a bright smile. I quickly picked it up pretending that I didn't hear what she said.

"Soyeon!" I quickly said out loud.

"YAh why are you shouting?" She said, I don't know what to say so I just changed the topic.

"Why are you calling me at this fine hour?" I asked, my phone was still on speaker mode but I placed it near my ear.

"I want to tell you something, but I want to tell it in person" Soyeon said. I somehow felt my stomach fluttering because of the curiosity.
"Can I see you tonight?" she added. I can't meet her tonight because we'll be leaving and I still have to prepare.

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