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Chapter 38

Yuqi's POV

"For goodness sake, this isn't an italian wedding. Who the hell suggested pasta ??" Yena said frustratingly as she throws the list given by the so called nutritionist. I signaled them to leave the room so I can calm Yena's nerves down. 

"Why did you even hire a nutritionist?? Obviously they know healthy food but not food that needs to be serve during a huge event. Let me handle this Yena, you should really clear your mind right now" I said then chuckled because she's stressed like crazy. The wedding is tomorrow and she's still worrying about the food that needs to be served. While waiting for her to respond, her phone suddenly rang and she was a bit surprised. She looked at me blankly before answering the phone. 

She was talking to the person while glancing at me and it was weird. 

"Yes, she's here. okay I'll give her the phone right now" Yena suddenly said. She looked and reached the phone over to me. I mumbled "me?? who's that?" I asked but she didn't say anything so I just answered the phone. 

"Hello??" I simply said. 

"Hello Yuqi." She said, but those two words made me pause for a second, it's been years since we've last talked but how can I forget her voice? 

"Miyeon?!" I said shockingly. 

"YUQI!!!! How are you??" Miyeon replied, she sounds so happy and I'm glad that she hasn't changed. 

"I'm doing good!!! Why...uhm how did you get Yena's number?" I asked curiously. 

"She's the caterer for my friends wedding tomorrow. Didn't she mention anything to you?" Miyeon asked, I looked at Yena but she immediately avoided eye contact with me. 

"No she didn't mention anything to me." I said calmly but loud enough for Yena to hear. 

"I see, she told me that you were helping her with the food. So you're also here in Korea right? I really want to talk to you in person. Can we meet today? We have a lot of catching up to do" Miyeon said, I gulped and suddenly remembered that she's married to my first love. If I agreed to meet up with her, will she bring Minnie with her? I don't think I can face her yet, but I swore to myself that I am already over her. 

"Aren't you busy right now? I mean you are handling the wedding of your friend." I said, I actually want to see her as well but the timing is just too sudden. Besides, I'm also busy because I need to handle the food. 

"Oh you're right... must have slipped my mind. But you'll be at the wedding tomorrow right?" Miyeon asked.

"Yes, but I don't know if I'll make it to the ceremony. I'm the one who'll order the staff and organize the reception" I explained. 

"Great... that's great! So let's talk about the food, did you guys include the pasta that I suggested." Miyeon said. So she's the one who suggested it. 

"Miyeon, that was a terrible suggestion you know. The theme of the wedding is definitely not Italian and I find adding pasta in the list a bit inappropriate." I honestly said. I heard her gasp and I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 

"I thought you were a business woman, but then I found out that you are a choreographer, but here you are talking like a pro about food. You really are something Yuqi" Miyeon said. I suddenly blushed because of her compliments. 

"You know how flexible I can be Miyeon" I bragged. 

"Of course I'm aware of that, you're also known as the great kidnapper right?" Miyeon joked. 

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