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Chapter 21

Yuqi's POV

"Good afternoon, this is Zhang Yixing the assistant of Miss. Minzy." He said throguh the phone.

"Good afternoon Mr. Zhang, I need to speak to your boss." I simply said.

"I'm sorry but she is currently busy right now, I am the one who entertains her clients whenever she's busy." Mr. Zhang replied.

"Okay fine, I want an appointment with Akali tonight." I directly said. He wasn't able to reply for a few seconds though.

"I'm sorry but may I know your name?" He asked.

"I'm Song Yuqi, the current CEO of the Song Company" I said, I heard him gasp a bit when I introduced myself.

"Please hold for a few seconds Miss Song, I'll let you directly talk to my boss" Mr. Zhang said. He must have been intimidated when I introduced myself. Every time I mention our family's surname, I would always receive benefits. Although I do not take advantage of it.

"Good Afternoon Miss. Song, this is Minzy directly speaking to you. What can I do for you?" Minzy replied.

"I want an appointment with Akali tonight" I said.

"I'm sorry but Akali doesn't take requests unless she wants to." Minzy replied.

"I am willing to pay any amount, you name the price. No, maybe let her name the price." I said, I'll do anything just to distract myself.

"Give me an hour, I'll call you back when she says yes" Minzy said as I dropped the call. If Akali refuses my offer, I would force her. As of now, she's the only person I want to see besides Yena. I don't want to face Yena and tell her everything because she'll be upset.

I sighed and threw my phone to my side. I don't know If I should be glad about what I discovered or not, but I guess It's better that I discovered it already. I've waited for more than a year just to find out that Minnie is already married to Miyeon.

I guess she's really happy right now, Miyeon loves her very much and would give her the world. After the accident, Miyeon is probably the one who took care of her 24/7.

"Miss Song?" the telephone thingy on my table spoke, it was Jisoo who was on the other line.

"Yes Jisoo?" I simply asked, my mind is really flying right now, I feel so numb and all I can do is stare at the ceiling of this boring office.

"I just want to make sure you're alright." Jisoo said concernly.

"I'm fine why do you ask?" I said.

"You suddenly cancelled your work out for today, when you were actually excited about it earlier. You also told me you weren't in the mood to eat. Lastly, you haven't left that swirling chair of yours ever since I left. " Jisoo explained, so she noticed.

"I'm fine Jisoo, my mind is just filled with thoughts that's all. It's the first day of work and I guess I just can't help but to think about the future." I explained, please be convinced.

"Yeah, me too Miss Song, but it's important to take it slowly. I would rather focus on what's happening now rather than worry about what's ahead." Jisoo said. It was a good point, but it's not what I need to hear. I just made up an excuse so she would stop worrying about me.

"I'm really glad that I chose you Jisoo, you can be a philosopher some day" I said.

"Just stating what's in my mind" she simply replied.
"One last thing, you can leave the company in an hour Miss Song, there isn't much to do today." Jisoo said before hanging up.

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