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Chapter 9

Yuqi's POV

As always, I woke up from the sound of my phone. I guess I fell asleep after all the drama earlier. But I feel better now, my emotions got carried away because of the hang over I had.

I immediately grabbed my phone and answered the call, not even glancing at the name of the caller.


"Yuqi? Why do you sound so lazy?"

"You disturbed my deep slumber"

"Oh sorry about that, but did you agree to your father?? I mean... It's a huge responsibility."

"What are you taking about Choi Yena?"

"So he hasn't told you yet??"

"Who hasn't told me yet?? Jeez Yena stop with the riddles"

"Are you still drunk Song Yuqi? I just asked you if you agreed to your father and you're asking who?"

"My mind is not working that well today you know"

"It's pretty obvious though"

"So going back, what is it about??"

"Okay, so my uncle just told me that your father accepted a business proposal overseas."

"That's good then, the company needs more stockholders and gladly there are still companies that wants to cooperate with us."

"You still have no clue??"

"Nope, I really don't know what's up. We argued when I arrived and he did not have the chance to tell me anything."

"According to my uncle, your father would have to stay half a year overseas."

"Really?? Then that's good news! Thanks for telling me all of this."

"Tsk tsk tsk... I can't believe I'm talking to a slow person."

"Just spill it already!"

"Let me ask you something."

"Go ahead then."

"If your father will be gone for almost 6 months, who would run the company while he's not around?"

"Of course he would definitely pass all the responsibilities to his secretary"

"That's the problem there, his secretary is coming with him."

"Then who is going to run or company? Are you saying that I'll be the one doing his work while he's gone??!!"

"Finally. Exactly my point."

"No way! I won't be able to handle it by myself. I have classes and it would be a burden."

"Yuqi you don't even need to attend classes in the first place since you're already trained"

"He was the one who doesn't trust me and now he wants me to run the company while he's gone."

"You know your father, he just wants to make sure that you are completely ready. Plus, you're the only one that he can trust with the company. They will be leaving next week"

"I'm going to talk to him."

"You should, but if I were you I'd take this opportunity. But then again, it's me not you"

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