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Chapter 37 

February 10, 2025

Yuqi's POV

"Okay from the start everyone!" I said loudly while clapping to energize everyone up. I was assigned to make a choreography for the upcoming debut of this new girl group called Lightsum, I have to make sure that their moves are in synch. 

Ever since I left Beijing, my life became more joyous, I was able to discover new things including my true passion which is Dancing. I had a rough start to be honest, I had to start with nothing but right now, I've achieved a lot. Entertainments have been calling me non-stop and even wanted me to debut as an Idol but I declined, I don't want the spotlight no more, it somehow scares me. Staying lowkey and help others perform is what I truly want. 

"Girls why don't you take a break for fifteen minutes" Bora suddenly appears out of nowhere, what is she doing here though? 

"Yahhh, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously, she suddenly barges in the dance practice room for no reason. 

"Excuse me, I'm the one who is assigned to make a choreography for these girls" she said while handing me a bottle of water. 

"And I'm aware of that because I'm here as a sub for you because you told their manager that you had an urgent business to handle" I said while placing the cold bottle on my cheek. I'm feeling a bit hot since I've been teaching them the steps for 5 hours straight. 

"Oh yeah about that, Yena asked me if you're free on Friday" Bora said, but I immediately gestured her no. 

"I am not and will not accompany Yena to another bar" I said which made Bora laugh. 

"No Silly! she asked me if you can come with us to Seo's wedding" she added, I paused for a minute because that name sounds familiar. Yena currently runs a catering business but I wasn't expecting her to invite me to come with her at the wedding. I usually help her with the type of food because she said that my taste buds are one of a kind. 

"Seo's you mean like the wedding planner? Seo... what was her frst name again? Soojin? Seo Soojin right?" I asked.

"She's quiet famous right? can you believe it? A wedding planner is about to get married, what's funny is that she doesn't need to hire a wedding planner because she can do it all by herself" Bora said which made me laugh a bit, sometimes I imagine her as a comedian. 

"Why be a dancer Kim Bora when you can simply be a comedian" I said but she suddenly hits me shoulder lightly. 

"Are we dropping the Honorifics Miss Song Yuqi? I think you're forgetting that you are not the boss of me anymore" Bora said then crossed her arms. She scares me whenever I drop the Honorifics. 

"Sorry Bora Unnie" I said then smiled at her cutely. 

"You are so cheeky Song Yuqi" Bora said then rolled her eyes. I suddenly remember what she told me three years ago, literally the reason why she got fired. She used to work at the gym of our company, my father's company rather. But got fired after hearing the gossips about me getting slapped by my own father. She really confronted him and ended up getting fired, but she's currently doing great. 

"But you love me right?" I said playfully while giving her my puppy eyes. She looked at me with a blank expression but ended up sighing. 

"Fine fine whatever you say that makes you happy" She said as she scrunches her noes. 
"So are you coming with us?" she added. 

"Of course, but I need to buy a new outfit of course, we're talking about a huge wedding right?" I asked then she nodded twice. 

"Yup, and there are lots of people who'll attend, she's marrying a Taiwanese just so you know and that's where you come in" Bora said then winked at me, I didn't know what she meant by that.

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