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Chapter 32

Yuqi's POV

"Yuqiahh.. I'm sorry but I have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. I have to be somewhere urgent and I think it'll last for a whole day. I promise that I'll make it up to you. I'm sorry : ("

I received a text from Soyeon before I was able to text my message. I was going to tell her that I can't make it as well because I thought these paper works would take a day to finish but I've only finished half of it.

10:39pm sent
"It's okay Soyeon, I actually can't make it as well because there are lots of good proposals and we only need ten. So I have to compare and assume the possible outcome of each paper."

10:41pm sent
"How's your mom? Is she doing well?"

10:55pm sent
"Have you eaten already? Do you want me to come over?"

11:11pm sent
"I miss you already!"

11:30pm sent
"yahhh Soybean!! Why aren't you texting back??"

11:40pm sent
"Oh right... you're probably asleep. Anyways Goodnight!"

11:50pm sent
"I love you."

I was kinda hesitant on sending the last text, but there was a ball of light that forced me otherwise. It's my first time telling her "I love you" through a text message, we might be clingy but cheesy stuff like that is not our forte. We show our love for each other by our actions, and I think it's the best way. But since our meetings are getting canceled lately, I think it's best to remind her even via text message or a call that I love her so much.

I placed my phone on the side and eventually I fell asleep without even trying because of how tiring my job was.

I'm feeling extra great today, I had a good sleep and this time, I'll make sure to finish work in time.

I checked my phone before getting ready and Soyeon hasn't replied to my text message, maybe she's still asleep? I mean it's 7 in the morning.

I prepared myself for another tiring day, I need to make sure that I have enough energy for later. Because if I finish work early, I will make a surprise visit.

"Good morning Miss Song, you seem to be enthusiastic today? What's the occasion?" Jisoo asked curiously.

"Nothing much, I just want to make sure that i'll be able to finish all of this today." I said then gestured the messy papers placed on my desk. I sorted it yesterday like from least to greatest, but still, I need to double check.

"I see you got plans. Well Good luck with that miss Song, If you need my help, I'm one call away. Or one door away" Jisoo said then chuckled.

"Don't worry Jisoo, I think I can manage all of this." I said then winked at her.

"Hwaiting~!" She said before leaving me alone in my office.

'Okay Song Yuqi, Let's do this' I said to myself

I turned on my speaker and decided to play some tunes while working. The silence is just going to make me sleepy and we don't want that. I opened my spotify acc and clicked my 'Dreamcatcher Playlist'. Bora was the one who introduced me to their group because their songs are mostly rock which is my favorite but they also explore various genres which I find cool. And right now, if I want to stay awake and energetic, I must listen to rock.

One by one, I started scanning and predicting the possible strengths of each proposal. I placed three boxes marked with "Good" "Better" and "Best". This will make it easier for me to choose.

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