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Chapter 25

Yuqi's POV

I'm currently driving at the moment and Soyeon beside me decided to look outside the window as I take her to a nice and casual restaurant. What happened earlier was my fault and I guess this is the only way I can make it up to her. 

"Uhm since we're going to a restaurant that I only know, are there types of food that you don't like?" I asked while still focusing on the road. 

"Well I don't like Vegetables" Soyeon replied, I looked to my side and her face was showing a disgust expression. I couldn't help but to chuckle because of the it. 

"Why? Like you don't eat any vegetables? That's weird" I said. 

"There are some vegetables that I enjoy but most of it are weird, I find it very very weird" Soyeon replied. 

"You're a personal fitness trainer and how do you tell your clients like me to stay healthy if you don't eat vegetables?" I asked a random question. 

"I'll simply tell you to eat vegetables, it's not like I have to eat it with you right?" Soyeon pointed out, I can see from my peripheral view that she was crossing her arms. 

"You got a point Miss Jeon, but if my life was at stake and you have to eat vegetables to save me, would you eat it?" I asked then turned to look at her playfully. But as usual, she would always avoid eye contact with me. 

"Of course, because if you die, I won't get paid" Soyeon simply replied, it kinda made me laugh a bit. She has this sarcastic humor that which I find cute. 

"Sorry about earlier again, Jisoo she's just very... Something." I apologized again, we were almost at the restaurant and I only need to take a few more turns.

"No need to apologize Miss Song Yuqi, but is this why you asked me out to eat?" Soyeon said then looked at me. There is this thought in my head that I want to say but I shouldn't. 

"That's one reason, but really not the real reason why I asked whether you're free today" I said as I step on the brakes. We already arrived at the restaurant that I was talking about, It's actually a ramen house and I find their soup very tasty. I haven't eaten here in a while because I'm busy. 

"Then what could be your main reasons?" Soyeon asked. 

"What do you think?" I said then turn my body 45 degrees so she has no escape even if she avoids my sight. 

"Because you heard my stomach rumble earlier right?" Soyeon said then raised her right eye brow. 

"I like you" I mumbled. She then went closer because she probably didn't hear what I said. 

"What did you said? I didn't quiet catch that" She said. 

"I said you're right!" I said loudly then stepped out of the car. 

'what the hell is wrong with you Song Yuqi, You're being too fast' I thought to myself.

I heard her close the door from behind but I didn't look at her because my face is definitely flustered right now. I don't know what's wrong with me today but I would automatically say flirty things to Soyeon. I'm just glad that she doesn't find it awkward. But still, I don't understand, maybe I'll ask Yena about this. 

"A ramen house?" Soyeon asked, I cleared my throat before I was able to reply. 

"Yeah, Don't worry I'll tell them to not put vegetables on your ramen" I said then looked at her, she glared at me for a reason but as always, I find it cute. 

We entered the restaurant and gladly there were only a few people, this place is not very known but their Ramen is 100% worth the money. 

Soyeon's POV 

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