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Chapter 20

Soyeon's POV

The Operation took longer than I expected, I already lose track of time because I fell asleep. But as I woke up, the nurses from the operation room came out and all of them looked exhausted. Once the doctor who was operating my mother went out, I got up on my feet.

"Doctor how was the operation, Is everything alright in there?" I asked him and he looked at me blankly. Why am I feeling nervous all of the sudden?

"Your mother's operation took a while" the doctor said then removed his glasses.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, he ain't giving me straight answers which makes me nervous even more.

"The operation was successful, we just have to observe her for a while. She needs to rest and we do not know when she'll wake up but eventually.. she will" The doctor said which made me feel relieved.

"I don't know how to thank you Doctor, if there is a bigger word for thank you I would have said it" I replied then bowed at him.

"Well, you told me to do my best and I did" He said then stretched his neck. It must have been tough in there, they had to do the surgery for hours without stopping.

"You should go and rest now doctor, I know how tired you are" I said then thanked him again.

I'm just glad that everything went well, all of my prayers have been answered. I grabbed my phone and immediately called Jin.

"Hello Soyeon?"

"Jin! My mother's operation was a success!"

"What that's amazing!!!"

"YAHHH THAT'S GOOD NEWS! Didn't I told you to call me first?"

"Is that Doyeon??"

"Yeah, I'm here at the hospital where she is resting. She's more energetic than usual. Here she wants to talk to you"


"I know, and I'm glad that I believed you."

"So when will she be discharged?"

"The doctor said that they aren't sure when she'll wake up, but she will. They said she needs to rest for a while because there might be side effects"

"Well tell us if you need anything okay?"

"Yes of course, but for now I need to go."

"where are you off to??"

"Did Jin ever mention to you about Miss Song? You were suppose to be her personal trainer but you got into an accident. So I volunteered to take your place"

"ow yeah, I think he mentioned it ? I just can't remember..."

"You must have hit your head so hard"

"You want to know how it feels?"

"No thanks I'm good"

"I was just kidding Soyeon, you get going now."

"Okay rest well Doyeon, tell Jin I said Goodbye"

Yuqi's POV

"So Jisoo, what's my schedule for today?" I said as I formally sit tight on my swirling chair. I feel like a boss right now, well technically I am but I feel great.

"Well, since it's your first day. There is really not much to do until tomorrow, but you have an appointment with Miss Jeon Soyeon today? at the gym?" Jisoo said as she turns the page of the notebook I gave her. It is where she would write down my schedule every day, her job is to help me be on time.

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