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Chapter 12

Soyeon's POV

7:00 pm

"Jeon Soyeon?" Somebody spoke from behind, it was pretty obvious who he is since his voice is recognizable.

"Do you really have to say my full name? Kim Seokjin?" I said then turned around and faced him. I was of course, looking upwards since I'm small. My height didn't even meet his shoulders and it kinda sucks.

"No, I'm just surprised that you are here." Jin said then opened the door for me.

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean I work here Jin. It's not like you don't see me everyday." I said then rolled my eyes.

"Yes, exactly my point. But I don't see you every night." He pointed out. My shift is during the day and sometimes I tend to work overtime but only until the afternoon.
Of course, I have another job which no one in this gym is aware about.

"I wont take long, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I said then we walked towards the counter of the gym. I sat on the high chair while Jin went to the other side and sat on his swirling chair.

"If you're here to ask me out, I'll have to say no because you know me. You know I'm not into my coworkers." He said which made me glare at him.

"In your dreams Seokjin, I'm not into you either. But going back, this is really important." I said then he remained silent for a moment.
"I am going to change my schedule, I'll work from morning until the afternoon." I said straight forward. He pushed himself back a bit as a sign of confusion to what I said.

"Wait.. hold up. Why so sudden ?? I mean I thought you have a job during the night?" Jin asked, maybe I should tell him about my mother since he knows about it.

"I really need more work, because more work means more money right?" I replied, he looked at me strangely and suddenly changed his expression.

"I'm guessing that this is for your mother. Right?" He said then raised his left eye brow. Bingo! I thought to myself. He figured it out by himself, that's great.

"Yes, I talked to the doctor earlier. He said that my mother's condition will worsen if they don't do the operation soon." I said then looked away. I'm kinda feeling emotional right now and I don't want to look pitiful in front of Jin.

"So does that mean that her treatments weren't effective?? I mean she should have been cured by now right?" He asked,  he is very inquisitive sometimes but that's what I like about this guy. It's his way of showing empathy.

"The treatments were just delaying everything. The possibility of her completely forgetting everything is very high. And I don't want that to happen. That's why I'm asking you to please change my schedule. I really need the money for her." I said but instead of replying he went near me and gave me a hug.

"Look, I can lend you some money for the operation. Then you can just repay me after." Jin said then I lightly pushed away from our hug. As much as I want to accept his offer, I don't want to cause him trouble.

"Seokjin, I appreciate your help but I can't accept your offer. I mean it's too much to ask and I can handle myself. All I need is to work harder." I replied.

"Okay Soyeon, but if you really need my help, don't hesitate to ask. I am willing to help you as a friend." He said then gave me a weak smile.

He is really generous and kind even though sometimes he is so full of himself. He had the right though, I mean look at him. Tall, gorgeous, fit, talented and rich. Which sometimes makes me wonder why he is working at a gym.

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