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Chapter 30

Soyeon's POV

The continuous flow of water falling on my hands while spacing out alone in the bathroom, looking at myself wondering. My mother kinda felt like the least of my problems, she's back and still recovering. My hopes for her is as high as my hope of getting through this situation but how?

While trying to recollect myself, I heard three knocks from the other side of the door. I didn't respond and just let the person enter.

"Hey" She simply said. I looked at the reflection of the mirror and Doyeon was walking towards me with the same worried face.

"They told me that they are currently checking the cameras to see any suspicious people wondering around your mother's room" Doyeon said as she turns off the faucet for me.

"why? So are they saying that there was someone who is trying to kill my mother?" I asked not sounding so sarcastic.

"It's not that it's impossible right? they were positive about everything and it's just a shock that they had to revive her." Doyeon said, I looked at her blankly again and didn't say a word.

"So what happened earlier?" Doyeon asked, I know what she's walking about.

"I wasn't able to tell her the truth" I said.

"So that explains why she was able to drive you all the way here" Doyeon joked.

"yeah, I was about to tell her but I received your call" I said then she nodded.

"I see, I'm sorry again for letting this happen" She said then looked down.

"You shouldn't blame yourself Doyeon. Nobody liked what happen so Stop Apologizing or I'll break your legs again" I said jokingly. But speaking of which, where is Yuqi?

"Oh yeah, have you seen yuqi? Where is she right now?" I asked.

"She's at he balcony getting some fresh air" Doyeon repied, I didn't say another word and just left her there. I went outside and from here I can see Yuqi standing outside while looking at the sky.

As I walk towards her, I can't help but to feel nervous. I can feel my heart pounding while breathing deeply. I seem to notice something on her hand though.

"Hey" I said which caused her to look behind. She was a bit surprised but was still able to smile at me.

"Hey" She replied back.

"So you smoke now?" I asked while I gesture the cigarette between her fingers. She looked at it and chuckled a bit.

"Actually no, this is not mine. Thanks for reminding me though, I found this here and I can't seem to find a trashcan so yeah..." She said then I grabbed it and threw it off the balcony.

"Yah! why did you do that?" She asked frustratingly.

"as much as I care for the environment, you can still inhale the smoke and it can damage your lungs. " I said then went beside her.

I looked up and there were thousands of stars twinkling above us, the moon was full and the cold breeze made the atmosphere feel cinematic.

"So, how are you?" Yuqi asked just to break the silence.

"I'm fine, great actually. Thank you for driving me all the way here. I really owe you a lot." I said.

"You don't owe me anything, I drove you here voluntarily" she saidd, I glanced at her and she was glowing. I didn't realize that I was already staring at her until I saw her phone vibrating, she didn't even bother looking at it and just swiped to end the call.

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