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Chapter 14

Yuqi's POV

Three days have already passed ever since I've talked to my father, he will be leaving Beijing after a few more days and I still don't have a secretary of my own.

I've also checked every resume of every qualified employee that my Father suggested, but none of them actually impressed me. All of them are highly skilled yet there is something lacking that I couldn't understand.

I'm currently applying light make up because I'll head to the company after a few minutes. My father will teach me stuff that I need to remember. Of course, even though I'm qualified enough to run the company, I still need to know the rules, the schedules, how the employees enter and exit the building and all.

Before leaving my room, my phone suddenly rang and an unknown number was the one calling.


"Good Morning Miss Song! I mean Yuqi... Is this Yuqi??"

"Yes, and this is??"

"It's me Kim Seokjin, from the gym. Remember me??"

"Oh yeah Jin, how did you get my number??"

"You gave me your card Yuqi."

"Oh I completely forgot sorry, I've been thinking a lot lately."

"It's okay Yuqi, I just have to tell you something important."

"What is it then??"

"It's about Doyeon."

"I see, what about her then? And did you already mentioned me? I mean, if you did... she would probably text me already."

"That's the problem there. Actually Doyeon is unavailable now. She's been in an accident and few of her bones were fractured. Which means she cannot be your personal trainer."

"That's terrible news, I hope she gets better soon."

"I hope so, I just received the news today. Btw, Jeon Soyeon actually messaged me and told me that she is available. So is it alrig-"

"YES! I mean yess she can be the substitute for Doyeon. Since she's one of the best right?"

"you sound so excited Yuqi, but yes. She is one of the best and I swear that you'll get along just well."

"Okay then, If that's settled. Give her my number and tell her to call me so we can talk."

"Sure Yuqi. Goodbye"

I don't know why I somehow feel happy about this new personal trainer of mine. She is actually the first one to caught my attention and not Doyeon, well I just hope that we get along just fine. Jin never mentioned anything about her that much, so there wouldn't be a problem.

I got into my car and drove safely to the company, my Father must have been waiting for me to arrive. It's not my fault that he went earlier and he was such in a hurry. What can I say, that man is much more in love with his job than with his family. He barely gives me and my Mom attention, but I don't care.

I got to the company 10 minutes before 9:00 am. I am suppose to meet him exactly 9:00 sharp but being early wouldn't hurt so much. After parking my car, I grabbed my bag and went inside.

A pair of gazing eyes welcomed me as I enter the front door. They were all lined up and looking at me with flustered smiles. There is something in me that feels weird but what do I expect? I need to get used to this cause they would be my employees for the next six months.

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