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Chapter 4

Someone's POV

Today is supposed to be my day off, but I got tons of calls coming from Minzy. I haven't answered them yet because I'm afraid that she'll make me come and perform again.

Maybe I should just make an excuse? But I haven't done it before. I really don't feel like going today, I'm very much tired because I also have another job.

"Akali why aren't you answering my calls?!"

"I have other things to worry about, don't expect me to answer every damn call"

"Don't give me that attitude, I can sue you for speaking to me like that."

"What do you want? It's my day off and I feel like you want me to do something."

"Exactly my point."

"What is it?"

"As you know, someone rented this bar for a party and the client called me. She wants you to take care of her friend tonight"

"Minzy, It's my day off. Why don't you let Jae do the job. She would definitely be glad."

"She said she wants the best, and she knows that you're the best."

"It doesn't matter, they wouldn't know right?"

"Come on Akali! She is willing to pay a huge sum of money just for tonight. I don't think they would be satisfied with Jae"

"What's in it for me then?"

"I'll double your paycheck for the month, if this goes successfully"

"Fine I'll do it. What time do you want me to go there?"

"The party starts at 9 pm, I also want you to do a special performance just to be sure. So you better be here before 9 pm"

"Okay Minzy."

"Don't let me down"

I shouldn't have answered her call, now she wants me to take care of someone tonight. I know that I've been doing this for years but I am really not that type of person. I tend to love this job but deep inside this really isn't me.

I checked the time and it's 5 in the afternoon. I'll get ready at 7:30, maybe I should practice my moves for later? Or I'll just do a freestyle?

Akali is very famous and loved by the people in MZY's Bar. Seeing dirty men with their dirty money makes me sick but I have to live with it. Every time I perform, dollar bills are thrown into the air and onto the stage, some would ask me to sleep with them and rent a private room to make out.

Dancing is really one of my best charms, and I can make anyone drool all over me just by swaying my hips. Men and women would pay lots of money just for me and it is one of the benefits of Akali.

Yuqi's POV

It's already 7 pm and I'm still here worrying about my clothes. I really don't feel like wearing something revealing but Yena would definitely be mad.

Maybe I should wear an off shoulder dress? But do people wear these type of clothes in a bar? Jeez I really don't know.! If this was some kind of fancy type of event, I wouldn't have a hard time.

But I don't want to pressure myself, I'll just stick to this choice of mine. I'll probably put on the best make up I have.

While I was getting ready, I heard someone knocking outside my room.

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