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Chapter 8

Yuqi's POV

When I dropped Yena off, I drove straight to our house. I am still feeling a bit dizzy after last night but the medicine from earlier surely helped.

While driving my sight was suddenly blocked by a reflected light coming from the seat next to me. So I forcefully hit on the breaks so I would not hit anyone.

"Damn it!!" I cursed in my head

That was too close, I could break tons of traffic laws if I continued driving.

My blood pressure probably increased when I leaned forward and bumped my head lightly on the steering wheel. What the hell was that?

I went to check what that thing is and it was the silver lining on a mask. Then I suddenly remembered who owns this mask, but why didn't I notice this here before? And what's it doing in my car?

The thoughts of Akali filled my head, I was
reminiscing yesterdays events and I can't help but to feel all sweaty and intense. The way she looks at me as if I was the only person in the crowd.

The way she touches me makes me wanna-

I wasn't able to finish my thoughts when another car behind me honked its horn.

"IT'S A GREEN LIGHT! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN A HURRY?" The man from the car yelled.

I adjusted my side mirror so I could see his face. I didn't notice that I was blocking the road, but he doesn't need to yell. And besides he disturbed my thoughts.

"YAHHH! I have eyes you lunatic! Can't you fucking wait?!" I yelled back then gave him my middle finger. I was also shocked from my sudden actions like what the hell was I thinking? Did I just acted like a gangster or somewhat?

My eyes suddenly went huge when I looked back at the mirror. He hopped out his car and angrily walks towards me, but crazy me again suddenly his the gas and drove off quickly.

"HEY I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" The guy yelled as he run towards my moving car. I didn't know why but I felt nervous but alive at the same time. It's my first time to ran away in a situation like that.

People usually sees me as a person who tends to be more kind I guess? Judging by my looks, they would really think so. If they only knew that I know how to fire a gun, the way they perceive me would definitely change.

I laughed so hard while driving away from him, if you could see his face right now. But I kinda felt bad a bit, but who cares? He was too aggressive and If I stayed, we'll definitely end up arguing for a few minutes.

The situation earlier made me completely forgot about the reason why I got there.
It took me a few minutes before arriving safely at our house.

My driving skills suddenly improved back there, the angry guy must have been so pissed and I can still imagine his face.

I parked my car into our garage and immediately stepped out. I grabbed my things and head inside the house.

When I entered the house, my nose smelled something good. Someone is definitely cooking, maybe it's one of our maids?For sure though, no one in my family except me who has time to cook. It sure smells great and it reminds me of someone I knew who also loves to cook.

My stomach suddenly rumbles as the smell of the food intensifies. I hurriedly walked towards to the kitchen so I can grab something to eat. I really need to eat right now, I puked everything last night.

As I open the door, I suddenly stopped and stared at the person cooking. At first I thought I was hallucinating but no I wasn't. In fact, I even pinched myself to see if I'm not high or whatever.

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