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Chapter 7

Soyeon's POV

I'm current here in the back stage, arranging my outfit for today. I may not even call it an outfit since it's much more of a less clothing.

Minzy really forced me to perform tonight, but that's not all. I am supposed to do a special, I mean a private dance for someone. This person is someone I know since she's the daughter of a famous company. She became known because of her past issue of having an affair and I can't help but to think otherwise. But this is my job, I don't really have a choice do I?

They already dimmed the lights and switch on the smoking machines. I took a deep sighed and stared my signature mask.

"It's time to shine again Akali." I thought to myself. Then I placed the mask onto my eyes, this is the only thing that will conceal my identity.

I took a quick glance behind the curtains and I saw a lot of people. But the person that I'll be seducing tonight caught my attention. I was starstrucked for a second, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She looks so beautiful in that black dress of hers. But all of my fantasies were cut when one staff called me out.

"Akaliii!! You're up!" He whispered but more of a silent yell. I snapped out and shake my head. I can't be having these thoughts right now.

The music started and my backup crew entered the stage, I was the last to enter since I'm the main dancer.

Slowly as I walk, while my heels echoed the floor. I changed my expression into Akali's resting face.

As the beat drops, I started dancing to the beat. People were yelling loudly as I sway my hips from left to right. Most of them were already drooling and their stares are so intense. But just like earlier, my eyes was caught by the lady in the black dress.

She fixed her eyes onto me and I couldn't help but to look away. I don't want to get distracted though, but then again. She walked towards the stage not minding the crowd just to get close to me.

The crowd was going crazy but she was just staring at me as if she wants to undress me or something. So I thought of something crazy that might make her drool over me more.

I walked towards her and kneeled down at her level. I licked my lips to hype up the tension and I used my fingers to peck her lips. I sensed something as if there was a connection between us. The way she dives into my eyes felt somehow different from other people that looks at me.

But that's all I should do for now, I'll just have to spice things up later when were alone.

The performance went on normally as usual, the screams, the shouts is something that I'm already used to. The mountains of cash flying to the air makes me more oblivious.

After that I quickly left the stage, since I need to prepare myself for my next job. If I successfully satisfy Song Yuqi, Minzy would double my paycheck this month.
The one who requested a special performance paid good money just for me and I must say that I'm very fortunate.

"Akali, that was an amazing performance" Minzy said as she hands me a bottle of water.

"Of course." I simply said then took a sip from the water.

"Better hurry... you still have one last mission" Minzy said then crossed her arms.

"I know." I coldly reply but she went close to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"And don't forget our little rule." She whispered.

"I know my limitations plus it would be impossible." I replied then looked at her seriously.

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