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Third person's POV

"Soyeon Stop" yuqi said almost in a whisper but it was loud enough for the other one to hear. the shorter one eventually stopped and lets go of her grip on Yuqi's.

Both of them looked at each other and still processing whether they were both dreaming or not.

"Yuqi I think we need to talk" Soyeon straightforwardly said, yuqi took a deep breath and tried her best to control her emotions. She was happy to see her after all these years but still mad about the fact that she lied to her back then.

"I think we have nothing to talk about" Yuqi replied coldly, she doesn't want to show any signs of interest in her.

"Yes we do" three simple words reminded Yuqi how bossy she can be and that's also one thing she likes about Akali, or should she say Soyeon.

"You should have thought about that before you decided to cut your connections in Beijing" it was pretty obvious that Yuqi was upset.

"Says the person who ran away for months! I'm sorry if I stopped looking for you. You weren't the only person whom I prioritize." Yuqi took a step back and swallowed as if she couldn't believe what she was saying.

She felt bad for running away but she knew it was for the best. She was in pain and she needed the space to rethink her life decisions.

"You went looking for me?" Yuqi replied while trying not to sound like she's fluttered.

It made her feel guilty, she knew she didn't let her explain that day because of how awful her day was going. She caught her in the act and even tricked her to know the truth.

"I came back, and looked for you as well but everyone said you left" Yuqi added.

"I left because there isn't any reason for me to stay. A lot happened within those months without you" Soyeon sounds as if she still feels the sorrowful moments.

"what do you mean? You mo—"

"She's died a few months after she gained consciousness. But don't worry, I'm glad that we were able to spend her last days together. You're probably wondering how I ended up free from Mzy's, my mother was framed for killing CL's brother that's why I had to work for her. But eventually, the real culprit turned herself in" She looked at Yuqi and the younger one gave her sad puppy eyes.

She just stared at Soyeon carefully absorbing everything she said. But instead of letting Soyeon continue what she was saying, she immediately hugged her.

One of her hand was at her back and the other was caressing Soyeon's head. Tears started to fall from her eyes, the smaller one tried to push her but she tightened their hug even more.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for breaking my promise" Yuqi cried out, Soyeon chuckled and carefully pushed Yuqi away. She wiped her tears and smiled weakly at her.

"I understand Yuqi, It's still my fault for not telling you the truth sooner." Soyeon said.

The moment was already in motion, there eyes connected once more while trying to read each other, though it was obvious that they still want each other.

Both of them slowly leaned until they felt each other's lips, it something both of then were longing for.

It lasted a few seconds until one of them decides to part, their foreheads were still connected and a rather warm smile formed onto Yuqi's face.

"You know, I was so stupid for not realizing that the two women I liked were the same" Yuqi said then chuckled, Soyeon did the same and lightly hits her shoulder.

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