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Chapter 26

Yuqi's POV

It has been two weeks since I've started work, and I must say that I'm getting the hang of it. My father kept on checking me every other day just for him to make sure that I am not ruining the company.

My schedule is pretty tight these days but at least I still get to do the things I want. Although during work, I notice how Jisoo would act in front of me. She is very nice and does everything without any complain. Every morning, I would receive snacks and such from her. I took it as a friendly offer but she just keeps on insisting, so I just let her do what she wants.

Me and Soyeon have been going out lately, by means of gong out, what I mean is that we would always hang out after our workout session. Two weeks and I've already notice some changes in my body, I feel great and fit not like before.

We've been talking about life and she even told me everything about her mother. It was the reason why I swore that day that I would always be by her side no matter what. I would tell her to be strong every time our conversation gets deeper.

But during those past few days, I would also feel empty. Especially during the night. Which is why I would visit MZY's Bar every other day. I would watch Akali perform countless times and I even payed her double just to spend more time with her. I've told her everything about Soyeon and she seems to glad about it. Somehow I feel weird like, I want to stop seeing her but I just can't.

I like Soyeon, I like Akali... but If I'm going to be practical, I would choose Soyeon over her. But I still want to tell her how I honestly feel towards her. It's just something that also bothers me when I tend to clear my mind.

"Look I want to ask you something" I said as I pour another shot on her glass.

"What is it this time?" She said while taking the shot. She is cool, she doesn't get drunk that easily.

"Why are you here? I mean don't you have other jobs besides this?" I asked hoping that she'll give me an honest answer.

"I'm here for the money" Akali straightforwardly said.
"That was my 8th shot and I feel great!" She added while dropping the glass on the bed.

"What if you were given a chance to work for someone who would pay you more than you can Imagine?" I asked. I just don't want to get straight to the point.

"Of course I'd take that chance, but why do you ask?" She replied.

'Okay here it goes' I thought to myself.

"Akali, I like you.. No, I mean yes I like you and it's been bothering me since the day I've met you. I'm so confused and don't know what to do. I like you, but I also like someone else and you know it." I said as I turn my face to avoid eye contact. The words just spat out from my mouth as If I was rapping a verse made by eminem.

"That's funny... so you mean to say that you're the one who's going to offer me a job? That would pay me twice as much as I earn here?" Akali said then chuckled.

"Yes, but it seems like you ignored my confession." I said trying not to be hurt

"I have to admit that out of all my customers, you are very special. But no... I can't accept your offer" Akali said then immediately stood up.

"Why not? Is it because you are already fond at this place? Or do you like what you do?" I asked loudly.

"Do you think women like me wants to expose myself with lots of people just for the money? Is that how you see me?" She replied without looking at me. I already knew from that moment that I offended her and It was a mistake bringing that up.

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