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Chapter 36

Third Person's POV

"Are you sure it's me who needs to stop playing games?"

At that very moment, the truth was already revealed. Everything that Soyeon feared is already happening, but not technically everything because Yuqi was still there. Yuqi was still standing there and ready to know the hurtful truth.

"You know what's funny? Is that the truth was already there but I decided to turn a blind eye." Yuqi said as she takes a step closer to Soyeon who was now speechless.

"Yuqi I'm-" Soyeon was about to say something but Yuqi suddenly cuts her off.

"I wondered why the phone beside the sink looks familiar, I also wondered why that silver chain on your neck has the same initials with my Girlfriend." Yuqi said as she points out the phone on Soyeon's hand.

Soyeon was already trembling, her tears were already falling, she could not look at Yuqi right now.

"Yuqi there you a-" Jisoo suddenly appeared out of nowhere, she was shocked to see what was going on. She ran back to their table but Yuqi wasn't there. All this time, Yuqi was standing on the other side of the wall. Waiting for a good chance to prove her assumptions.

Yuqi looked at Jisoo with a rather disappointed face, Jisoo gulped as she saw the way Yuqi looked at her.

"You knew all along and never told me right Jisoo? You knew about this." Yuqi said but Jisoo wasn't responding, instead she looked down.

"I can't believe this, I let myself get deceived fuck" Yuqi said as she places both of her hands on her head, she was mad, very mad, but couldn't let it all out because she loved Soyeon so much and was willing to give up on everything that she has for her.

"Yuqi, Let's just go."Jisoo said then held Yuqi's shoulder but she hashly pushed her away. Soyeon was so surprised to see Yuqi that way, but she blames herself why she's acting like that.

"Yuqi stop it!" Soyeon yelled then went Jisoo who was pushed to one of the cubicle's door.

"I trusted you not just as a secretary but also as a friend!" Yuqi said while angrily pointing at Jisoo.

"She's not part of any of this Yuqi!" Soyeon replied loudly.

"How could you do this to me Soyeon? After everything I did for you?" Yuqi's mood suddenly changed, it was probably because of the alcohol but she was still able to think clearly.

"Look, I didn't mean to hide the truth from you." Soyeon defended but Yuqi wasn't buying it.

"Didn't meant to hide the truth? So you weren't planning on telling me the truth either? You made me believe that I loved two different people! Did you know how hard it was for me to move on from Akali? Did you fucking know how much your words affected me?" Yuqi said. Soyeon doesn't really know what to say because she has no excuse.

"Yuqi, I'm sorry... I really am. I was so afraid to tell you the truth. I was afraid loose you after knowing the truth." Soyeon explained, she  face her and cupped her face but Yuqi quickly removes it before taking a step back.

"Well sad to say but you already did." Yuqi said then walked away. But Soyeon grabbed her hand before she was able to take a step outside.

Soyeon doesn't know what she's doing, all she knows is that she needs Yuqi more than anything in this world.

"What do you fucking want now? Could you just let me be? What do you want ? My money? That's all you want right? Then here!" Yuqi said then grabbed some cash in her pocket then threw it to Soyeon.

Soyeon felt offended, she didn't want to tolerate Yuqi's behavior. She slapped Yuqi with all her might, even though she knew that she'd regret it.

Yuqi looked at her angrily with teary eyes, she wasn't expecting to receive a slap from Soyeon, and because of that, she became more furious.

And as expected, Soyeon did regret slapping her. She was also hurt, if only Yuqi knew how the thoughts taunted her for days. 

"Yuqi, I'm sorry I didn't mean-" She didn't finish what she was saying because Yuqi gave her an intense yet sullen stare.

"Didn't mean to what? slap me? You know what, forget it. You don't fucking know what I'm feeling right now, you don't know what it's like to be disowned by your own family and be deceived by someone you loved in one day. What hurts more is that I'm starting to believe what you said to me earlier, about me deserving all of this. I shouldn't blame anyone but myself. This is all my fault. My father was right, I am so naive, that is why I ended up in this situation where I almost lost everything including myself." Yuqi said, there were no more tears left to cry because she already cried her heart out.

"Yuqi p-please don't leave" Soyeon begged as she locks Yuqi into her arms. It only lasted for a few seconds before Yuqi decides to part away from her. The feeling of her warmth and the rhythm of Soyeon's heart makes her feel so weak and so dumb, she knows that if she keeps this up, she'll forever be reminded of the pain.

"I hope your mother fully recovers, that way, I can say that at least one of my sacrifices was worth it." Yuqi said without looking at Soyeon's face. At this point, she just wants to forget her, forget everyone.

Before Yuqi was able to walk away again, Soyeon said something, she would always show this in different ways even though she often says it.

"I love you" she said, which made Yuqi stop for a few seconds.

Yuqi doesn't want to believe what she just said, but she was glad to hear it from her. Though the pain affected Yuqi so much that any emotion feels so numb.

"Loving you was my biggest mistake, and you probably feel the same way right now" that was Yuqi's last words before leaving.

Soyeon fell on her knees, she want none of this to happen. She didn't even had the guts to tell Yuqi everything she wanted to say. 

Yuqi was already out of her sight, and from that moment she knew that she had lost someone dear to her once more. This time, it was way more painful, the person who was present during her ups and downs is gone, the person who supported her when she had nothing is gone, the person who gave her love and friendship at the same time is gone.



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