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Chapter 33

Third Person's POV

"Now let me ask you something, if you were to choose between me and your company, are you willing to turn everything down for me? Is your daughter more important than all of this?" Yuqi snapped. It was all out, everything that she wanted to say, the grudge that she's been holding for a long time.

But for a moment there, after saying all of those things to her father, she thought that he would realize something. Realize that he was wrong about everything, for treating her like some robot with no emotions.

It didn't even made his father flinched, instead, it made him rampaged. She received another slap from him, not as hard as before, but still felt the same emotionally.

"You are no daughter of mine, and you will never be." He straightforwardly said.

Yuqi placed her finger on her lips, she felt something sting besides her heart. She chuckled at the sight of blood droplets on her finger. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw because of what he did.

There is no more hope, his father is still the same as before, cold, strict, and careless.

"Mr. Song, I think you are going to far." Jisoo suddenly enters the conversation. Yuqi's father looked at her with sharp eyes, he walked towards her and was about to slap her as well but gladly Yuqi was able to grab his arm. He pulled his arm from Yuqi's grip and fixed his attire.

"You have no right to speak and meddle with our conversation. I am not dumb and I know who you are you brat, you are the sister of a crazy fucking criminal!" He said then pointed his index finger rudely at Jisoo. But Yuqi wasn't taking it, she pushed him real hard which caused him to take three steps back.

"Don't you fucking touch her! You are so shameless!" Yuqi yelled at him with all her might. One thing that she dislikes is someone else getting involved in their drama.

"So you're protecting this brat?! Look how naive you've become! I shouldn't have trusted you with to run this company in the first place. I can't believe that you let a criminal's relative enter our premises." He said in disbelief.

Yuqi just stared at him for a few seconds, she looked at him, she was observing him. But none, he is already carried away by his pride.
She gave him a smile, a sweet yet sarcastic one, and lets out a chuckle.

"You know what's funny? I actually thought that there was a chance for you to change. But no... Because you were right, I am naive. Naive enough to believe that you could change." She said confidently, her tears were no longer falling from her face, she already had enough.

"Get out of my sight." was the last words his father said to her. She gave him one last look, an intense yet worried look before grabbing Jisoo's hand. She went to her desk and took her things.

Both of them exited the office and went straight to the parking lot. It was the end for her relationship with her father.

"Miss S-song... Yuqi." Jisoo said while following Yuqi in front. She wasn't responding until they reached the her car.

Yuqi looked at her sadly, and by that Jisoo knew that Yuqi still wanted to fix everything between her and her father. The truth slapped Yuqi hard but she's trying to hide it.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that from him." Yuqi said then bowed at her. Jisoo was a bit surprised but she was not affected with Mr. Song's words.

"You don't have to apologize Miss Song. I should be the one apologizing because I speak up." Jisoo replied then looked down. She kinda felt that it was her fault.

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