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Chapter 27

Soyeon's POV


I kept on running and running, It didn't matter to me that I was already tired. When I got a call from the police station while hearing the shaky voice of my mother made me weak.

I was in the middle of a midnight interview before getting the call, it was my last opportunity to get a decent job. But It got wasted since I had no choice but to find out the my mother is at the police station.

It took me 15 minutes of running, there were no taxi's during this hour. It was raining so hard, the wind was so strong but I ignored everything.

"WHERE'S MY MOTHER??" I shouted at the police behind the desk, I strolled my eyes around and I saw her locked up in a cell, shivering due to her wet clothes. They didn't even gave her some blankets to keep her warm.
I can feel myself slowly tearing up but I can't burst it out without knowing the reason.

"MOM!" I yelled as I ran towards her, she looked at me with a frightened expression. And from that moment on I knew her condition was getting worse.

"MOM WHAT HAPPENED? WHY DID THEY LOCK YOU IN THIS CELL?" I asked but she wasn't answering. She was crying quietly while playing with her fingers to calm her nerves down.

"Are you Miss Jeon Soyeon?" I heard a male voice behind.

"YES I AM, WHY THE HELL DID YOU LOCK HER UP IN HERE? CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S SHIVERING? SHE HAD A TRAUMATIC INJURY THAT COULD LEAD TO ALZHEIMER'S AND THIS WILL JUST MAKE HER CONDITION WORSE!" I yelled angrily, other police officers were already trying to hold me and calm me down at the same time.

"Please Miss Jeon, let me explain" the police officer said. He brought out his phone and showed me pictures that isn't very pleasing.

It was a picture of a guy, a student rather, laying on the ground with ounces of blood coming out of him. I closed my eyes with this sight, he then swiped his phone and this time, it was a picture of my mother.

My body went cold as my eyes lay on the officer's phone. This can't be true, she could never do this to anyone, impossible.... I thought to myself.

"NO, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE... SHE IS PROBABLY FRAMED, DO YOU THINK AN INNOCENT PERSON LIKE MY MOTHER COULD DO SUCH A THING? SHE CAN'T EVEN KILL AN INSECT AND YOU ARE ACCUSING HER OF KILLING A PERSON?" I said straightforwardly. I can't process everything, but I know for a fact that my mother was innocent no matter what.

"Look, her prints were all over the victim's body as well as the shot. And believe it or not, your mother admitted that she killed him" the police officer said which made me fall down do the ground. My knees suddenly felt weak and I just can't believe this.

I can already feel my tears continuously falling down my face as I slowly turn my head to look at my mother. I crawled slowly to her and tried to reach her hand.

"M-mom... you didn't do it r-right?" I asked but she just looked at me as if she has seen a ghost. She was scared, terrified. I know that it's impossible for er to kill a person, but I want to hear it from her.

"P-please mom... answer me.. did you kill him or did you not?" I asked one more time, she looked at me in the eye and somehow hesitated to nod. She removed my grip and distanced herself away from me.

This can't be true, how could she do this...Why would she do this? I need to know why.

The police officer offered me a hand which I eventually took. I need to clear my thoughts for a second. Why does this keep happening to me? It's been years since I've felt anxious and now it's all coming back.

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