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Chapter 39

Yuqi's POV

"Come on Yuqi! Can't you just let Yena do her job? You can still make it to the ceremony!" Miyeon said through the phone, I'm currently at the back of Yena's place and there are lots of truck right now, they are already taking the food to the reception.

"The ceremony starts in a few minutes, just go on without me. It's not like I won't be seeing you later Cho Miyeon. You really miss me so much huh?" I said, she keeps on calling me non-stop. She wanted me to attend the wedding ceremony but I really can't make it because I still need to help Yena managing her staffs.

'Jagiya, can you come and help me with something?'

I stopped for a moment after hearing another woman's voice through the phone, I know that voice and how could I forget her voice?

"Is that Minnie?" I asked Miyeon.

"Y-yes... She's actually doing Shuhua's make up and I think I need to help them" Miyeon replied.

"Wait, did you tell her that I was coming? or did you tell her that I'm here in Korea right now?" I asked because I was just curious.

"No, I think it's best if you guys like meet unexpectedly. You two should at least catch up with each other" Miyeon replied calmly, I really owe Miyeon a lot especially for everything that she has done for me. She's knows that Minnie and I had something before and I'm just glad that everything is alright.
"I think Minnie... I need to go Yuqi, see you later!!.. Where did you even get that catering services?" Miyeon said irritably before hanging up. She really pulled an act, classic Miyeon.

I Immediately went to Yena's office after the phone call with Miyeon. My things are still in there and we really need to go as well, it will take us about thirty minutes to get there plus we need to arrange the tables, chairs, utensils and such.

"Choi Yena! We need to go!" I said as I barge in her office. She wasn't really surprised since she's used to it.

"Looks like someone's excited. Why don't you just attend the Ceremony. It's not like I can't handle my own business Yuqi" Yena said while applying her clear contacts.

"No I'm not. I miss Miyeon okay? but I'd rather help you out than attend the ceremony" I said then went to where my purse was.

"Are you sure that Miyeon is the one that you miss and not that Thai Girl?" Yena said then gave me a smirk. I just chuckled at her because I suddenly remembered how she was begging me to stop thinking about Minnie a few years ago.

"Damn you caught me" I said then face palmed.

"Wait are you serious Song Yuqi?" Yena said as she turns her full attention to me. I peeked and judging by her face, she really believed it. But I wasn't able to clear what I meant because my phone rang again.

"Hold that thought" I said to Yena before answering the call.


"SONG YUQI!!!! HELP ME!" Bora said out loud, I'm also not surprised but she sounded like she really needed help.

"What happened?? Are you okay??" I asked worriedly.

"Just come here please.... I need your help ASAP!" Bora said. I dropped the call and immediately grabbed my stuff.

"Why?? What happened to Bora?" Yena asked.

"How did you know it was Bora on the phone?" I replied.

"I only know one person who would shout through a phone" Yena said. It's actually true.

"Yeah and I think It's best if I hurry, I wouldn't want to miss the reception right?" I said then Yena nodded. I went to my car and Immediately drove to Bora's Apartment. It's a bit far so I need to use my skills.

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