Chapter 33

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(Gilbert's Pov)

There wasn't a cry.

But there was a cry from Monica and I. The doctors took her away imminently,not letting us see her. What's wrong with my baby? Where is she? Tears rolled down Monica and I's faces as we realized the fact that our baby could be sick or even worse.

The doctor finally came over to us to explain.

"We apologize but your daughter,"He paused," didn't make it."

We both bursted into tears,not caring how embarrassing it is.How? How could this happen to us? I tried to ask but my throat was sore and numb.

"Do you want to see her?" The doctor asked. Monica and I looked at each other and nodded.

It broke my heart to see our daughter being carried into the silent room. She was handed to Monica. She was beautiful. Her light blonde hair was as soft as a rabbit's and she was so small and fragile. I cried even more when Anneliese was placed into my hands. She was so light that it felt like I was holding a feather.

She'll never experience life. She'll never experience playing or love or being a mother of her own. We'll never see her smile or talk or walk. We said hello and goodbye in just one day. She'll be carried in our hearts instead of our arms. Anneliese was too beautiful to be in this cruel world. But she wasn't alone, part of us went with her. The day God took her home.


(Monica's Pov)

I was a mother and i'm still am. No one can tell me that I'm not a mother, I've been through pregnancy and birth and I've held my baby in my arms, so no one can tell me I'm not a mother.

Anneliese, born sleeping. My daughter. She will always be my daughter even if she's in heaven, even if I can never see her again. I love her. If love could save her then she'll be in my arms right now.


Weeks past, yet I kept the same emotion all through them:Pain.That's all I felt. It ate at my flesh,picking off laughter, happiness, until I was nothing more than a skeleton. A mindless skeleton. I cried myself to sleep every night. I barley even slept, it was just me rolling around, trying to stop the tears and then finally burst into tears.

I lied in my bed, all the lights were off and my head throbbed from the long first day back at college. I heard a knock on the door. I didn't look over.

"Hey." Gilbert said quietly, shutting the door and walking closer to me. I didn't look at him, I didn't want to. I knew he was a mess like me, messy hair, bags under his eyes, his eyes more dark than usual. It broke my heart to see him like this.

"How was the first day back?" He asked as he set a hand on my arm, causing me to flinch at the touch of his cold slender fingers on me.

"Fine" I said.

"You don't have to lie." He reassured, sitting down next to me.

I sighed and looked over at him. I was right, he was a mess. His hair tangled and brushed, stubble surround his month and chin, and his eyes had no emotion, like the pain ripped away his feelings too.

"All I could think about was," I stopped myself from saying her name,"Everyone kept asking me about the baby."

I sat up to whip away the tears surrounding my eyes. His strong arms wrapped around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. It remained me of the first day we found out I was pregnant.That thought made more tears roll down my face. Neither of us could say anything, out voices will break if we tried to speak a word.

"I love you." I whimpered as I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." He kissed my lips,making me more sad, for some reason.

My daughter will never experience a kiss or even love. It made me almost angry at myself. Why couldn't I die not her?

"I miss her too." Gilbert sobbed, trying to hide his face from me.


(Gilbert Pov)

-5 months

*A bit adultish*

The birds chirped out outside as the trees started to bloom once more. Spring. My least favorite month, much too flowery and girly for me. I walked hand and hand with Monica to my house. I wonder what it would be like if we were carrying our daughter with us? I put that questioned on the back of my mind.

Everyday I still think of her. About how my life would be different and how she'll look like. Fortunately, I don't cry in the day anymore. Nights were different. At least once a week I'll cry myself to sleep.

I opened the front door to my house to see my dark living room which was oddly neat.

"I should get a kiss for that! That restaurant was pretty damn expensive." I laughed, grabbing Monica's waist and pulling her in for a kiss. The kiss was long and passionate, somethings we haven't experience lately.

Our tongues explored each other's mouth.I backed up so Monica was against the wall and I slowly snuck a hand up her black dress. I felt the hem of her underwear, which was surprisingly lacy. We ended our kiss to catch out breath. Monica's face was fill with red and her eyes looked down.

"You're beautiful." I smirked as her face turned even more red, if it was possible.


It was weird to have a naked Monica snuggled out against me. Sure, we slept in the same bed but never cuddled. She would always keep her distance and lied awkwardly at the edge of the bed. Having her naked was a whole new experience. She was always too embarrassed to let me see anything.

Let's just say I wouldn't be crying out of sadness tonight.

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