Chapter 9

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Gilbert's POV

"Monica could you come here?" I asked as I gather up my paperwork. I saw her jump when I said her name. God, I love scaring students. She stood awkwardly at my desk watching the other students leave, probably jealous.

"Kesese, We always somehow met each other," I laughed once everyone was gone. She nodded her head, avoiding eye contact with me as she stared at the floor. "Come on! I'm a pretty awesome teacher, ain't I?" I elbowed her lightly on her arm.

"Ain't isn't a word," She protested."Aren't you a English teacher?"

"Ain't you feisty." I teased.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to say to forget about that night. I mean we were both drunk and can't remember... well I sure as hell can't." I grabbing my bag that I keep my stuff in.

We walked out of the room together. She walked slowly behind me. She was holding her stomach like she was sick.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Just tired," Her stomach growled "And hungry."

"There an awesome cafe in campus if you want to go there with me."

"With you?" She asked, slightly insulting me.

"Not like a date I mean like friends."

"I guess."


The cafe was small but cozy. It had mint green wall and cute white coaches that people use their laptops on. The place was called 'Annabelle's' and it's my favorite cafe. Monica and I sat at the table closest to the window after we ordered at the front counter. We talked about college and I gave her jokes about sleeping with me.

A girl came over, I recognized her from one of my classes. She had her curly, blonde hair up in a ponytail and green eyes.

"Hi Professor Beilschmidt I didn't know you were tutoring on the first day of school." She said interrupting our conversation. She grabbed a chair and pulled it up to out table.

"Actually we were having dinner together, not tutoring," I said rather coldly. I knew she was trying to flirt with me by twirling her hair,l eaning in closely to me and touching my arm. She acted as though Monica wasn't even there.

"How about a quick little session?" She whined.

"I haven't taught anything yet in class, umm," I said forgetting her name.

"I'm Olive Lennings," She introduce as she sipped her coffee. "If you're not tutoring then, who's her?" She pointed to Monica.

"My friend."

"Oh," She said slightly embarrassed."But isn't she a student?"

"Teachers and students can be friends. We all are adults." Monica piped in a bit angry.

"No need to be upset." Olive snarled.

I laughed quietly so they can't hear. It was funny how Olive tried to act tough even though I knew Monica could probably snap her like a stick. I was honestly looking forward to see them fighting for my love. Olive eventually left after they argued.

"That was hilarious!" I laughed as Monica and I walked back to the dorms.

"Who was she anyway?" She asked.

"Just a girl that wants the D!"

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