Chapter 12

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*1 week later*

I stared blankly at the board and wrote down sloppily everything it said. Honestly, I didn't even know what we were talking about, which was unusually from me. Most days, I'll write my notes neatly, listen to every word Mr.Braginski said like my life dependent on it, today was different. I couldn't take that I could be pregnant with Gilbert's kid off my mind. I prayed every night that I wasn't pregnant. I wasn't ready neither was Gilbert.

I can't bring a child into this world with a mother that still goes to college and doesn't have parents or a father that drinks and has one night stands. I also couldn't get Gilbert off my mind. I kept thinking back a week ago when he comforted me after I started crying, despite the rain pouring on me and him. He brought me to his house after that and watched movies together. He lend me his clothes and dried my soaking wet clothes. He was a nice man on the inside, but he covered it with a narcissist man, that I despise.

I looked up at the board, that had words that I haven't even written yet. Mr.Braginski, my science teacher, smile always went from ear to ear on his pale round face, his purple eyes almost glowed, making it hard to look in his eyes.He was nice, yes, but his aura made my shiver violently. I heard rumors about him, that made my tremble. I wasn't scared of him, but I didn't like him. He seemed fake and too nice for my liking.

The bell rang, making me stop writing the notes and grabbed my things. I walked down the hall to Mr.Beilschmidt's room. His room was on the other side of the campus, so I had to hurry.


"Today we'll start reading Great Gatsby," Mr.Beilschmidt said as he held a box full of the books. He didn't sound like his normal self, most days he'll be excited about the book. Maybe he just doesn't like the Great Gatsby.

"Does anyone know who this is by?" He asked the class.

He sighed when no one raised their hand.

"It's by F. Scott Fitzgerald during 1925," He begun, "Many of you probably heard of this book but never read it.Do you at least know what's it about?"

A girl raised her hand."A rich man obsessed with women?" She said it more like a question then a answer.

"Close enough. Jay Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy Buchanan, a former debutante. The story is told by Nick Carraway," He started to pass out the books.

He dug through the pile of books when it became my turn. The book, he finally gave me after a couple seconds of searching, had a sticky note on the inside cover.

'Met me after class, Monica.'



A stood by his desk, watching him dig through his stuff.

"Monica, are you free?" He asked, once everyone left.

"Yes, but I'm planning to go out to eat with Alfred, Sakura, and Felicia," I told him.

"Do you have time to take the pregnancy test?"

My stomach dropped once he said that. I knew it was coming, but I didn't want it to come.

"I can," I said.

We walked out the classroom together.

"Are you alright? You seem down." I asked him, as we walked down the hallway that was empty.

Gilbert stayed silent for a moment like he was deciding if he was going to tell me or not."I'm not."He said

The hallway lights hit his face perfectly. I could tell why students like him, he was kinda cute, I mean I don't like him like that but other people can. The way his red eyes shined and his hair was so soft, like a rabbit's fur.

'Don't look at him like that!' I'll yelled at myself in my mind. He opened the door and the wind blew at us. He smelled so good, like...I couldn't even explain it. Stop! Whatever you're doing, Gilbert, just stop making me wanting you more. I just want you cut off from my world.

I want to fix myself and stop thinking about you. I'm falling into an unknown hole, that I know is going to spit me back up and leave me devastated and broken. I don't want to feel these emotions.

That is what me mother taught me, don't feel emotions. She told me that I never get hurt in life if I feel emotions for someone or that I'm weak for showing them. So, I hide them, hide my emotions in my heart and walled it off. And no one will ever break those walls.

Gilbert might be the first one to break those walls.

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