Chapter 26

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(Monica's Pov)

*22 weeks or 5 months*

*Aushun and past Pruhun*

I knocked on Gilbert'd door, waiting him to answer. He texted me to come over, he didn't say a reason. I could hear foot steps from inside, rather loud ones too. The door opened to revel Gilbert. His hair went in all different directions, drool was on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were a dark red, and he still wore his pajamas even though it was 3:00.Blood leaked from his head and made it's way down his face.

"Gilbert,are you okay!" I asked nervously. The wound looked pretty deep and there seems to be glass lodged in it.

"Huh?Oh,i'm fine." He replied groggy like he has been sleeping.I could tell his was drinking by the smell coming from his breath. Idiot. I told him not to not to do it anymore! I swallowed my angry and replaced it with fear. I looks serious.

"No, you're not, you need to go to the hospital." I told him.

I grabbed his shoulder and lead him to the couch, setting him down gently,I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. They said they were on their way.I started to ask him some questions.

"Gilbert,is your vision foggy?" I asked him. He nodded his head as he held on to my arm like a scared child.

"Are you dizzy?"

Another nod.



I wrapped my arms around him trying to reassure him. My heart pounded fast, I was scared, yet my facial expression was blank. I couldn't show my fear in front of Gilbert.


(Gilbert's Pov)

The light blinded me for a couple of minutes, my mouth was dry, and my head ached. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I could see that I was in a hospital room.

A hospital room?

No, that can't be right.Actually, I wasn't surprised. This wasn't the first time I've been in the hospital.But how did I end up here this time?

I heard small muffed cries next to me,"Idiot"or"stupid". Before I could turn around, I knew it was Monica. I turned around to confirm my guess. Monica had her head resting on the side of my bed, her blonde hair was the only thing I could see.

"Monica?" I asked, my voice came out dry and raspy.

Her head shoot up. Her eyes were red and tears leaked from the corners until she whipped them away. The corners of her mouth lifted sightly and she wrapped her hands around my neck. She landed her head of my chest. I could feel her tear soaking through my hospital gown and wetting my skin.

"What the hell did you do?" Monica sobbed, trying to sound angry, but utterly failing because her tears came out more and more.

I hugged Monica back, it felt so good to have someone I knows likes me in my arms. She was so pretty, inside and out. I wanted all of her, her flaws, her smile, her laugh, her jokes. Everything. I wanted her.

Ever since I was little, I thought I will never fall in love. I didn't want to fall in love. The word 'love' made me sick. Maddie's and I's love wasn't serious and I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't in love with her. And then I met Monica.

"We had a family reunion," I closed my eyes trying to remember the event that lead up to this,"My cousins and my grandpa were coming over to have supper. My cousin, Roderich, was going to bring his new wife. His wife,Elizabeta, was the girl that I've liked in high school. I guess I was depressed over the fact that she pick him over me, so I got out to drink at a bar, got drunk, got in a fight, and now i'm here." I felt Monica loosen her grip in me.

"Do you still like her?" she asked with hints of jealousy in her voice.

Do I even like her? The answer was no, but I don't know why I got so sad. Maybe it's that she never gave me a chance. All fifty times I asked her out the answer was always no. I don't know. Maybe because they both are in love and I'm single with no one.

"I like someone else now." I replied.

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