Chapter 5

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I can't stand the thought of me losing my virginity to a guy I met that day. I was supposed to wait until I found someone I love not because I was drunk. I didn't remember anything last night and I was fine with that. I felt sick once I thought of what he did to my body or what I did to his body. I pulled my shirt down some. Hickeys litter my neck, making me even more scared.

I sat down on his naked bed only to remember that I was bleeding last night and I didn't want to make another mess for him. Gilbert walked in shortly after.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked. I felt bad for needing one. First I bled on his bed and now I need a ride.

"No I can walk." I lied walking out his room before he could say anything else.

(Gilbert's POV)

She doesn't need a ride? Strange, I'm sure Alfred told me she lives far away. But that's none of my business, I guess. It's her fault that she didn't want a ride. I didn't feel as sick as I thought I would. Of course, I had many one night stands so it didn't affect me anymore. But this one felt different.'I took some girl's virginity' kept swimming around I my head. All the girls I fucked were sluts and left before I woke up. Monica was different, it was her first time.

I should have stopped. It was obvious that she wasn't controlling herself and that she was more drunk than me. The phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.

"Where's Monica!!" The phone screamed. It was Alfred.

"Hey Alfred!" I cheered.

"Where is she!" He yelled again.

"Dude I don't know, she just left my house," I admitted.

"Then where is she? She's supposed to be at work!" Alfred yelled. I remember him talking about him and Monica both working at McDonald's

"She's walking home."

"Gilbert! McDonald's is far away from where you live!"

"She's probably walking to her house!" I yelled back.

"That's even farther! Plus it's raining!" He yelled.

"What do you want me to do?!"

"Pick her up!"

"I don't know where she is!" And on that note I hung up. I was too tired for Alfred's shit.

I laid back down on my now naked bed. I closed my eyes trying to sleep but guilty came over me and I knew I had to pick up Monica.

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