Chapter 29

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(Monica's Pov)

*29 weeks or 7 months*

"Happy birthday!" Gilbert beamed as he pulled me into a hug that I could never escape.

"You're squishing the baby." I groaned, struggling to get out of his grip.

"I'm going to take you out to dinner!"He proposed,releasing me from his death grip.

"I have homework and work." I said to him while smoothing out my shirt.

I was exhausted and I was ready for a nap, I never took naps before but during my pregnancy I started to become more and more tried. The last bell just rang and I was now with Gilbert after school, something we do everyday.

"But it's you birthday!" He whined, sitting back down on his chair.

"I don't care," I said,"Work is work."

"Please!" He begged, putting he's hands together to make a begging action.

"Fine." I said, giving in to his dinner idea.He spun around on his chair, excited to go to dinner with me.

Does this mean it's a date? I didn't ask him,of course, he'll probably think i'm flirting with him, like usual. I blushed at going to dinner with Gilbert.


"What should I wear?" I asked myself as I looked in the mirror. I shouldn't wear anything too formal or too causal. I looked over at the clock.


Crap, I have 15 minutes, I scurried to my closet pulling out random clothes. I saw from the corner of my eye that Felicia walked in my room.

"Monica? What are you doing?" She asked.

"Trying to find an outfit." I said, not looking at her and still digging through my clothes.


"Going out to dinner with Gilbert." I looked over at her.A smirk grew big on her face.

"Sooo, a date?" She laughed.

I stopped looking through the clothes,"No!" I yelled.

"Then what is it?" She questioned, her smirk growing bigger and bigger.

"Ummm," My voice trailed off trying to find a good explanation.

"Admit it, you like him." She walked around me like I was being questioned.

"No, I don't!" I hissed, trying to hide the blush that grew on my face.

I just realize, I do like him. I don't know way I do, maybe it's the way he smiles or how he is so carefree in life. I just have to shield my heart from let my feeling grow to much. I can't fall in love. I wish there was a way to stop these feelings, the feels that I love and hate at the same time. Like a medicine I can take to erase theses feelings. I must keep those walls around my heart strong and unbreakable, I can't let them fall.

"I have a perfect outfit!" Felicia cheered, running out of the room.

I walked over to my bed to sit down. Gilbert was all I could think of. His smile kept appearing, his hugs kept on squeezing me. Stop, just stop. Felicia came back with an outfit.

I looked in front of the mirror wearing the clothes that Felicia lend me. It was a whitish sweater with black legging and with a long necklace with a heart on the end. It was simple, yet pretty. I pulled on brown boots that Felicia said, "Really pulled it off." Now, I just have to wait until he picks me up.

Please, walls stay strong.


"Here it is!"Gilbert rejoiced as he pulled over to a small restaurant that was outside of town. It was right on the ledge of the town and it overlook the city. There was only two cars in the parking lot, which i'm guessing are workers.

"What is this place?" I questioned, never seeing this place before.

"I actually don't know the name, but it's a pretty cool place!" He parked in a spot closest to the building. He got out and opened the car door for me. I got out.

The place was small, yet it was cute. Gilbert decided that we should sit outside on the picnic bench, he said you can see all of the city and it looks even better at night.

"This place is pretty." I stated, watching the sun set while drink my water.

"Yeah," He ate a bite of his food,"I like to go here a lot."

"How did you find this place out?" I inquired. How could anyone find a place way out here?

"I actually got lost up here and I was starving, so I went here and loved it since." He smiled.

The night sky was now up and the stars scattered on it, like connect the dots. The stars look even more beautiful out here, exceptionally above the city lights.

"They're beautiful." I mumbled, hoping Gilbert wouldn't hear.

"That's way I compare them to you." Gilbert spoke.

"Stop saying that!" I suddenly yelled,"I'm nothing, I shouldn't be compared to them!And if i'm beautiful then why doesn't anyone else call me that!"

"Because they don't see how beautiful you are." He exclaimed.

I breathed in deeply trying to calm down. I don't even know why I'm so angry. Nevermind, I knew, he was shaking those walls around my heart.

"Your eyes shine like the stars, your smile brightens my day and I wish to see it more." He spoke grabbing my hand. He came closer to me.

Before I knew it, his lips were against mine. I felt all my angry disappear as his soft lips kissed me. It was the kind of kiss that made me feel so loved, so beautiful. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in more. I forgot everything about the world, it was only the two of us and I was fine with that.

Those walls now fell down and I didn't even try to stop them.

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