Chapter 23

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I never expected Gilbert to mean so much to me. Everyday I look forward to his smile and his laughter. I want to hear his melodic voice all day and the touch of his skin when he touched my skin,it always burned when he stopped. I can't seem to get him out of my head, maybe he is supposed to be there.

I breath in heavily and stared up at the chipped ceiling. I didn't dare look on either side of me, the right had Gilbert, who was still sound asleep, and the left a clock, that read the time. I knew I was going to be late. I slowly looked over to the left.


I quickly shoot out of the bed, regretting it as the dizziness came. I looked over at Gilbert's sleeping figure. He slept much to innocent for him, his mouth slightly opened and his eyes were softly shut.

"Gilbert, get up!" I grabbed his shoulder and shook him. He groaned and grabbed the reddish blankets and pulled them over his head.

"We're late, Gilbert!" I ripped the blankets off his head.

"One more minute!" Gilbert muttered as he rolled around on the bed.

"No!" I yelled.

He slowly sat up, his hair is a mess and drool was on the corners of his mouth. Oh god, I forgot he was shirtless. I tore my eyes away from his chest and looked out of the windows, trying my best to ignore him.

Stop Monica. I felt like I was falling into a trans. Gilbert was like the white rabbit and I was Alice. He lead my down a hole, now i'm in wonderland and I can't find a way to get out. I can't explain wonderland but it was fear, anxious, happiness and joy mixed into one world.


*16 weeks pregnant or 3 months*

Today I'll going to tell them.

I'm going to have dinner with Sakura, Alfred, and Felicia and I was going to tell them. I was nervous as hell and my stomach was queezy. A small bump was starting to form on my stomach. Gilbert seemed very excited about the bump and loved to rub it. I,too, was also happy, yet scared. The bigger the bump gets, the closer it is to the due date.

The four of us sat in the booth at the edge of the restaurant. I drank more of my water and rubbed my forehead, which had a layer of sweat on it. It was time to tell them.

"Guys," I said, getting their attention,"I have some news."

"Good or bad?" Alfred asked, as he blew the straw wrapper at Sakura.

There was a long pause with everyone looking at one another,confused.

Finally I confessed.

"I'm pregnant." I looked in my lap, scared on what their reactions are going to be.

Silence filled the booth. I couldn't see anyone's expression, yet I knew what they were feeling. Confusion,shock, fear.

"Yay!" Felicia cheered as she hugged my stomach, putting her head on it.,"A little bambino!"

"Congratulations, Monica." Sakura smiled, yet I could tell she was holding back something.

The happiest was short lived when Alfred slammed his fist on to the table. He face filled with angry.

"By who?" He hissed, his face turning red.

".....Gilbert..." I admitted, lowering my head to avoid his gaze.

"That bitch!" He barked.

"Alfred,please, there's people here." Sakura told him, trying to settle him down.

"I'm going to murder him!" He yelled, now having the whole restaurant watching us.

"Alfred!" I finally shouted at him, "I'm an adult!I can do what I want and I can take care if this without you!"

I left them, trying hard not to show my hot tears. I opened the front door and walked outside. The sun was out and the birds chirped.

The day didn't match the atmosphere.

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