Chapter 6

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I drove slowly to McDonald's while keeping an eye on both the windows looking for Monica. It was like looking for a lost dog. I was even tempted to yell her name out the windows. It wasn't a normal day thing that I was looking for a lost, wet, just lost her virginity, just banged her last night and no underwear on girl. It felt as though I been searching for hours but in reality it was only like 15 minutes. I just was about to turn around and head home when I saw a girl sitting by the bus stop, wearing my clothes, and her head was buried in her hands. Oh god, I hope I didn't hurt her.

I parked in front of the bus stop and rolled down the window.

"Monica!" I slightly yelled to get her attention. Her head popped out of her hands. Her eyes were wide open and were a little red.

"Need a ride?" I asked.

"The bus is com-"

"Just get in!"

She slowly got up and walked to my car. She opened the door but stood there staring at the seat."Come on," I said "I don't care if the car seat gets wet." She sat down rather awkwardly. Her shirt clung to her body which caused her nipples to stick out, her hair was curly because of the rain and her face was red either from the cold or the embarrassment. I'm guessing the latter.

"Where do you live?" I asked as I started to drive.

"I have to work at McDonald's." She said grabbing her shirt so it doesn't cling to her body.

"Not like that." I said examining her whole body, taking more time on her breasts.

"Ocean drive 3295." She said not making any eye contact with me. Monica stared out the window as we drove in silence to her house.

"T-thanks." She said once we got the her house.

"How do you get to work?"I questioned noticing that there is no car in front of her small blue house.

"I walk." She said as she started to get out.

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"It's fine."

"I could wait while you take a shower and get dressed," She looked over at me like she was thinking about my offer.

"I guess,"She sighed"You can come inside though."

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